Not like that, but, displays a list of users who have commented on the topic,
instead of displaying the user who is reading the topic,
so you will know anyone who has commented on the topic.
1 2014-01-26 09:02
Re: Show participant on post/topic (7 replies, posted in Feature requests)
2 2014-01-22 12:37
Re: Show participant on post/topic (7 replies, posted in Feature requests)
The list of people who commented on the post, like here there's 7 participants in the post is displayed, that's what I mean
3 2014-01-22 10:29
Re: Show participant on post/topic (7 replies, posted in Feature requests)
Sorry for that, I mean like in the post issue on github, you will see a list of people who participant in the post
4 2014-01-22 05:24
Topic: Show participant on post/topic (7 replies, posted in Feature requests)
Like github issue
5 2014-01-21 03:31
Re: [Extension] om_profile_about 0.0.1 (3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.4 additions)
Cool, it would be better if there are more additional fields that can be customized by admin.