Kind of like your post?
2 2006-11-03 01:05
Re: XennoBB > PunBB (6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
OK, it's pretty easy for anyone else that's considering doing it. You only need to drop a few things from the database and rebuild post/topic stats, etc. but it's a pretty smooth transition.
3 2006-11-03 00:30
Topic: XennoBB > PunBB (6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
I'm currently running XennoBB on one of my sites but I'm concerned about security issues and such with it so I would like to convert to PunBB. The databases look similar (I believe I read Xenno was based on Pun) and I was considering doing it manually but I thought I would see if there was a tool first to save me the hassle.
Any advice for the conversion? I want it to go as smoothly as possible (obviously). Thanks.