
Got tired and revered to Version 1.3.6, problem gone.  Must be issues/bugs with Version 1.4.3



I was able to fix this by clean installing, saving the SQLite database file and config.php, this seem to work in my work PC.  However, when I went on line to check with my home PC, the problem returned.  Is there a "cache" or something that needs to be cleared?  Thanks,



I migrated from 1.3.6 and everything seemed to worked fine, but after a while I noticed the extensions do not work or the "install/uninstall" links are gone.  Also the "Edit this group" links/options are also gone from administration\users\groups.  Lastly the "change your password" link is also gone in the profile\introduction. 

I realized this may be a problem with compatibility issues with the extension used in 1.3.6 and migrating to 1.4.3.  So proceeded with deleting all the previous extension in the extension directory and replacing this with the official supported extension for 1.4.3, unfortunately the problem persist.

How to do fix this problem?  Thanks,


Hi, I've edited the file and RSS Feed Icon is gone.  Thanks a lot...

Hi, Thanks for the help.  I will try this latter.

Hi, how can RSS Feed Function and Icon be removed?  Thanks...