Yes, if I select the Oxygen theme, all works fine. Selecting Urban causes the issues.

Hi! Awesome that punBB has been updated to 1.4.3. Unfortunately, we've run into some problems. If I login and go to profile → Identity, all fields are filled with an 'm' instead of their original value. The original values are still in the database, but saving the profile will overwrite all data with an 'm'.

Is this a known bug?

We use the Urban theme, could this be the cause? Thanks!

Here's a modification for extern.php to have a more complicated HTML display. It's used here as a news feed:

Copy extern.php to a new file (e.g. extern_new.php).

Replace the function output_html with the following code:

function output_html($feed)

    // Send the Content-type header in case the web server is setup to send something else
    header('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
    header('Expires: '.gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s').' GMT');
    header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0');
    header('Pragma: public');

    foreach ($feed['items'] as $item)
        if (utf8_strlen($item['title']) > 80)
            $subject_truncated = forum_htmlencode(forum_trim(utf8_substr($item['title'], 0, (FORUM_EXTERN_MAX_SUBJECT_LENGTH - 5)))).'…';
            $subject_truncated = forum_htmlencode($item['title']);
            //Truncate post contents
        if (utf8_strlen( $item['description']) > $length_of_content)
            $content_truncated = forum_trim(utf8_substr($item['description'], 0, ($length_of_content - 3)))."...";
            $content_truncated = $item['description'];

            //adapt style headings here
        echo '<h3>'.$subject_truncated.'</h3>';
        echo "<p>".$content_truncated;
        echo ' [<a href="'.$item['link'].'" title="'.forum_htmlencode($item['title']).'">read more</a>]</p>';
        echo "<p class='newssmall'>".gmdate('F d, Y ', $item['pubdate'])."</p>";


Call from your php page is for instance:

$a = file_get_contents("");
echo $a;

Where 4 is the number of displayed posts and 20 the ID of the news forum room.

Include this class in your main CSS style:

font-size: 60%;

This way, you can use a forum room of your PunBB as a news post system.


I added the code and added an example parser in a .zip: … d=170#p170

Regex always pushes my braincells to stay active for about 20 hours on end. Can't get no sleep after five minutes of regex-mode! smile

Well...actually, I added this small piece of code at line 50 of the parser...right after the lowercase-conversion. Of course there are much nicer ways to do this, but unfortunately I did not have time to find out, what's the neatest thing to do.

// sander edit -- notify when no alt is provided...
$pattern = '/\[img\]\s*(.*?)\s*\[\/img\]/';
$replace = "[img]$1[/img]\nYou did not provide an ALT-attribute...please edit this message and make the image accessible! Please read the document … .php?id=16 for the code!\n";
$text = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $text);

This places a message below the BBcode for images.

For this forum, accessibility is a must. I can imagine a more user-friendly way of telling a user right after submitting a post that the tag was left empty. However, adding a default "no description provided" again leaves the same old problem that it's possible to add tags, but also to forget them...people take the time to add an image, but often just don't take the time for the description...

Great to see you put in a request! And keep up the great work with this uber-user-friendliest forum!

btw, demonstration is here: … pid=44#p44

AudioGames and I fixed the alt-thing. We added a sort of BBcode based addition with alt-text conversion in parser.php
Now users can add alternatives for images, just like elbekko suggested:

google logo

For a demonstration or the simple php patterns (place it before the return $text of the message in the parser, don't forget to return it after an update!), have a look here: … .php?id=16