(11 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Thanks Smartys and elbekko. Then I will test punBB.

Might I run into other problems setting this to Are there things like spam-filters that can stop multiple posts from the same IP? Would making it return a hash or encrypted IP be better?

I am always a bit sceptical to making such changes to the source, since it might make upgrading a lot more difficult. If we make such a change, and integrate it as a user-selectable option, could it be submitted to your CVS?


(11 replies, posted in Feature requests)

I am thinking about using PunBB for several small forums. It will replace forums that are today running under a modified version of PhpBB.

We have however one special requirement: The forum participants must be completely anonymous. The users will be manually entered into the system, and will receive their username/password on a seperate system. No email address will be registered.

The main problem is however that no IP-addresses should be stored together with the posts. Ie if you gain complete access to the system, it should should not be possible to assosiate messages (possible sensitive information) and IP-addresses (or other identificators).

I have not looked at the PunBB-code yet. I thought I first should ask you how much work it would be to do such a change. Any ideas?