Ok thanks I'll already sign up for lycos and I'm ready to host a fourm.I just someone to install this fourm software to my lycos hosting account.pm me for the details.
2 2003-12-17 00:27
Re: Hi I'm Mike and I'm from Canada (20 replies, posted in General discussion)
Ok thanks
It's too slow loading
3 2003-12-17 00:15
Re: Hi I'm Mike and I'm from Canada (20 replies, posted in General discussion)
Could I have the link to lycos/tripod?
4 2003-12-17 00:11
Re: Hi I'm Mike and I'm from Canada (20 replies, posted in General discussion)
Which one should I have lycos or tripod?
5 2003-12-17 00:01
Re: Hi I'm Mike and I'm from Canada (20 replies, posted in General discussion)
Ok thanks. I'll think about it.
I really don't like lycos/tripod
6 2003-12-16 23:46
Re: Hi I'm Mike and I'm from Canada (20 replies, posted in General discussion)
Ok thanks and where do I request fourm hosting?
I just want to know.
7 2003-12-16 22:53
Topic: Hi I'm Mike and I'm from Canada (20 replies, posted in General discussion)
How is everyone tonight? I'm fine
This is my first time here
I would like to create a gaming fourm