(8 replies, posted in Development)

Thanks dimkalinux and punbb team. Good work big_smile


(11 replies, posted in Development)

dimkalinux wrote:

The PunBB team is happy to announce the release of Beta 3.

What’s new and improved in Beta 3 (from 1.4 Beta 2).

1. Updated Oxygen style.
We back-ported colors from original PunBB 1.2 Oxygen style.

2. Add addDOMReadyEvent to punbb.common.js
addDOMReadyEvent is much faster than addLoadEvent method for init JS functions.

3. Fix many errors in db_update.php, admin/users.php and many others.

Thanks big_smile Congratulations for making good betas of 1.4 beta 3.

I am happy that Punbb now gets updated, and i love what you and the new punbb team does big_smile

Dont use on production servers — this version only for testing.
https://github.com/downloads/punbb/punb … 4b3.tar.gz



(7 replies, posted in Development)

I have just a question dimkalinux. The team that some years ago created punbb 1.3 they took codes from that time fluxbb 1.3 was. Will you guys take codes from fluxbb 2.0? 
Or will you guys make your own Punbb version that is nothing alike fluxbb's new version?

Old post, but yes it is : http://punbb.informer.com/forums/post/139912/#p139912


(7 replies, posted in Development)

That's good news i like that the new punbb developing team is working so hard. Your hard work will give results! Thanks for everything you guys have done!


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 discussion)

Watch here : http://punbb.informer.com/trac/roadmap Punbb 1.3.5 is done?

What do you guys think of that the new develop team made it done so fast?

Use fluxbb 1.4.3 much better than punbb 1.2!


(1 replies, posted in Discussions)

See it at : http://fluxbb.org/

Now they will start developing fluxbb 2.0

Fluxbb 2.0 will be much better than punbb 1.3, Punbb is dying in the end it it will be no punbb... That's the fact so now guys start using fluxbb it's much better!


(2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)

Don't use your trouble to install punbb install fluxbb instead
www.fluxbb.org much better!


(32 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

I have added to requests.
See here: http://punbb.informer.com/wiki/punbb13/ … n_requests

It's on other stuff.

Nice style.

Cool big_smile

But what will you guys, do after punbb 1.3.3 is finished?


(19 replies, posted in News)

Bye Anatoly, thanks for the time in punbb.

But since Anatoly is not developer anymore what should we do about this: http://punbb.informer.com/trac/ticket/5


(1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 additions)

WHAT?! People are working on a Swedish languagepack but not Norwegian.

I in the other hand can make a Norwegian languagepack but i have school so i don't have time to do it.


(0 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 additions)

I don't know what that game thing is named, Rpmog or something.

A friend of mine needs it so please make a style like that.


(60 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

Nice i am gonna try it out.


(170 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

WOW, good.

But i why is it not a chatbox/Shoutbox in the portal?

I have translatet to Norwegian.
Link: http://rapidshare.com/files/186748550/Norwegian.js.html


(32 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

Portal and style changer (when i mean style change i mean that we can change the style when we log in.)

Is it a Languages and styles extension to punbb?


(0 replies, posted in Feature requests)

A portal extension for punbb would have been great. smile


(0 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 additions)

I need someone to fix the code so here is the code:

/* General colour scheme

body {
    background: #fff;
    color: #980000 ;

.brd a:link, .brd a:visited {
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.brd p.feed a:link, .brd p.feed a:visited {
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.brd .main-pagepost a:visited, .brd .crumbs a:visited {
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.brd .main-pagepost a:active, .brd .crumbs a:active,
.brd .main-pagepost a:focus, .brd .crumbs a:focus {
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.brd .gen-content, .brd .main-content {
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.brd .main-item li.info-posts,
.brd .main-item li.info-replies,
.brd .main-item li.info-views,
.brd .main-item li.info-topics {

.brd .main-content .main-item .item-nav {
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.brd .main-content .sticky {
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.brd .main-content .main-item .hn .item-status em.closed{
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.brd .main-content .main-item .hn .item-status em.moved {
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.brd .post * {
    border-color: #980000

.brd .post {
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#topic-review .firstpost, .brd .singlepost {
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.brd .post {
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.brd .posthead, .brd .postbody, .brd .post-options {
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.brd .posthead .hn {
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.brd .posthead .post-title small {
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.brd .online .userstatus span {
    border-color: #517CA1;

.brd .ct-box, .brd .ct-set, .brd .ct-group, .brd .frm-group {
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.brd .admin-page .ct-box {
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.brd .admin-page .ct-set .ct-box, .brd .report {
    background: #F4F9FD;

.brd .admin-page .warn-set .warn-box {
    background: #FEFFE6;

.brd .main-frm .ct-group, .brd #brd-announcement {
    background: #F4F9FD;

.brd .main-content .info-box {
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.brd .main-extensions .extension, .brd .main-hotfixes .hotfix {
    background: #F4F9FD;

.brd .main-extensions .disabled, .brd .main-hotfixes .disabled {
    background: #FFFFE1;

.brd .warn-group, .brd .warn-set, .brd .warn-box, .brd .error-box, .brd #admin-alerts {
    background: #FEFFE6;
    border-color: #F4EBCE;

.brd .warn-group, .brd .warn-set, .brd .warn-box, .brd .error-box {
    border-color: #E6D190;

.brd ul.info-list li,
.brd ul.error-list li {
    color: #6A97BF;

.brd ul.info-list li span,
.brd ul.error-list li span {
    color: #666;

.brd ul li strong {
    color: #333;

.brd .user-box {
    background: #F4F9FD;
.brd .ct-box .hn, .brd .ct-box .sig-demo {
    border-color: #DBE0E4;
    color: #1F537B;

.brd .error-box .hn {
    color: #333;

.brd .help-box {
    background: #f4f4f4;

.brd .frm-buttons, .brd .extension .options, .brd .hotfix .options {
    border-color: #DBE0E4;

.brd .checklist {
    background: #fff;
    border-color: #ccc;

.brd label, .brd .aslabel, .brd .mf-set legend, .brd .ct-legend * {
    color: #357;

.brd .paging * {
    border-color: #dedfdf;

.brd .required label em, .brd #req-msg em, .brd .warn strong, .brd .important strong {
    color: #b42000;

.brd .entry-content .quotebox, .brd .entry-content .codebox {
    background: #fff;
    border-color: #ddd;

#brd-announcement .userbox {
    background: #F4F9FD none repeat scroll 0 0;

.brd .main-content .main-item .hn .posted-mark {
    color: #99C;

/* Menus

#brd-navlinks {
    background: #980000;
    border-color: #113C5E;
    color: #ddd;

#brd-navlinks a:link, #brd-navlinks a:visited {
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#brd-navlinks a:hover, #brd-navlinks a:active, #brd-navlinks a:focus {
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    text-decoration: underline;

.brd .main-options, .brd .main-options span {
    background: #980000;

.brd .main-menu, .brd .admin-menu {
    background: #980000;

.brd .admin-submenu {
    background: #980000;
    border-color: #DFE6ED;

.brd .main-menu a:link,
.brd .main-menu a:visited,
.brd .admin-menu a:link,
.brd .admin-menu a:visited {
    color: #ddd;
    text-decoration: none;

.brd .main-menu a:hover,
.brd .main-menu a:active,
.brd .main-menu a:focus,
.brd .admin-menu a:hover,
.brd .admin-menu a:active,
.brd .admin-menu a:focus {
    text-decoration: underline;
    color: #fff;

.brd .main-menu li.active a:hover,
.brd .main-menu li.active a:active,
.brd .main-menu li.active a:focus,
.brd .main-menu li.active a:visited,
.brd .admin-menu li.active a:hover,
.brd .admin-menu li.active a:active,
.brd .admin-menu li.active a:focus,
.brd .admin-menu li.active a:visited {
    text-decoration: none;

.brd .admin-submenu li.active a {
    text-decoration: none;

.brd .main-menu li.active a {
    color: #fff;

.brd .admin-menu li.active a {
    color: #eef;

#brd-admod #alert a {
    color: yellow;

/* Logo and Headings

#brd-head {
    background: #980000;
    color: #ddd;
    border-color: #296FA5;

#brd-head a, #brd-head a:link, #brd-head a:visited {
    color: #fff;

.brd .main-head, .brd .main-foot {
    background: #1F537B;
    color: #ddd;
    border-color: #1f537b;

.brd #brd-announcement h1 {
    border-color: #BBBBBB;

.brd .main-subhead {
    border-color: #fff;
    background: #F4F4F4;

.brd .column-title {
    border-color: #F4F4F4 #F4F4F4 #CBD1D8 #F4F4F4;
    background: #F4F4F4;

.brd .content-head {


.brd th {
    background: #EAEEF5;
    border-bottom-color: #fff;
    border-top-color: #ddd;

.brd .group-head {
    background: #EDF1F5;
    border-color: #0000FF;

.brd .content-head .hn {
    border-color: #0000FF;
    color: #666;

.brd .main-head a:link, .brd .main-head a:visited,
.brd .main-foot .options a:link, .brd .main-foot .options a:visited {
    color: #ccc;

.brd .main-head a:hover, .brd .main-head a:active, .brd .main-head a:focus,
.brd .main-foot .options a:hover, .brd .main-foot .options a:active, .brd .main-foot .options a:focus {
    color: #fff;

.brd th {
    background: #0000FF;

.brd .main-frm .ct-group td{
    background: #FBFBFB;

/* Status indicators

.brd .main-content .main-item .icon {
    border-color: #980000

.brd .main-content .redirect .icon {
    border-color: #980000

.brd .main-content .sticky .icon {
    border-color: #D7E5F3 #C3CFDC #9FB3C7 #90A2B4

.brd .main-content .closed .icon {
    border-color: #ACACAC #979797 #898989 #7A7A7A

.brd .main-content .sticky .closed {
    border-color: #D7E5F3 #C3CFDC #898989 #7A7A7A

.brd .main-content .new .icon {
    border-color: #2B75AD #235E8C #1F537B #266799

/* Multi Checkbox Widget

.brd .checklist .checklist-item label:hover {
    background: #EDF1F5;

I did evrything in oxygen.cs.css 


PS: If somone is fixing my code, say the new code in this thread.



(99 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 additions)

I will translate Norwegian, i have translated 3 files. Bot in one week maybe the Norwegian language pack by me will be done.

Edit: 4 files have been translated the files are: Forum.php Index.php, login.php and Post.php.


(4 replies, posted in Fun)

Haha, cool. Is Punbb so popular? tongue

Is somone working on Norwegian language pack?