I just understood the problem: I use FrontPage for my website. I extracted the punBB zip file in my local website and then, I copied the content of upload in a forum directory from the FrontPage interface. FrontPage then update the links in order to point to the "correct" file. I suppose FrontPage was a little bugous when it did that operation.

Many thanks. It is working now. By the way, do you know how this could possibly happen? I did not change anything in the code! And when I extracted the files from the zipped file, the path was ok (style/Cobalt.css) in the header!


I have just installed the forum on my website: http://membres.lycos.fr/mitchbucannon/forum/index.php .
It seems to work well, but there is no style, like if it didn't find the css files. Some people had the same problem, but the solutions proposed (captial letter problem and css stylesheets problem) do not seem to apply in my case.
Does anyone has an idea?

Thank you very much