Aww... fudge. I found it. Settings in the forum itself. Shouldn't it permit replies/topics by default? Just curious.
2 2007-06-08 00:13
Topic: New members can't reply (2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
Hey, I'll continue searching the forums, but this seemed like a fairly straightforward request.
I just did a clean install of PunBB.
I posted a few messages with the Admin account. Then registered a new user and I can't reply to the messages posted by the admin. I also can't post NEW TOPICs with this user.
Any thoughts?
3 2006-05-09 19:56
Re: Shopping cart system in the spirit of PunBB? (12 replies, posted in General discussion)
Anyone else? Surely the PunBB community (that appreciates tight code and XHTML output) has settled on a winning PHP shopping cart.
OS Commerce is frankly, a mess.
Zen Cart is a fork of OSC, and isn't much better.
PHP Shop seems to be on the decline.
MyMarket looks like it's worth investigating, but surely doesn't even have the basic functionality a client will need (I will post follow up after testing.)
No offense to non-developers or anything, but all of these self-installing PHP scripts are driving me nuts. How hard is it to upload a set of files and customize the config file? I DO NOT want a package with "themes," smarty templates, etc. I just want a clean basic package with good coding style so I can build the functionality I need, and modify the appearance to fit into client sites.
Frankly, if you can't modify clean XHTML output to look the way you want, you are not my target audience.
So, who's up for starting a project? Any like minds out there?
By the way, one of the most important features will be unifying login/register/profile/etc.
This needs to be abstracted OUT of PunBB for these purposes, and self contained, then PunBB and UnNamedNewShoppingCart Project can both tap the same auth system.
Unless anyone else has any bright ideas.