I think I figured it out, turns out it had to do with PHP code embedded in the post between [ code ] tags (spaced added to prevent formatting). We were trying to show someone how to put a test page up with phpinfo(); and that was breaking it...
1 2006-05-26 18:00
Re: Random 503 errors when posting (2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
2 2006-05-26 16:16
Topic: Random 503 errors when posting (2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
Hello all, thanks for the great software.
We are experiencing some problems on our forum, specifically every once and again I will start getting Service Temporarily Unavailable (503) errors, and then I can't post for some time before they go away. I only get the errors when actually trying to post something, navigating the forum and reading threads is fine, but when I click to post a new thread....503. Also, I can reply to threads fine, I get the error only when starting a new one.
We are running 1.2.12, have around 10,000 posts and about 3,000 users. MySQL 4.1.14