(1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Migrated to Xenforo :

Undiging smile

The Mod is running well on my forum
I have setup v1.2.2
I can't see the multi-delete button pictures and the delete function.
I just migrate my forum to PHP 5.3 and it might be the cause ?

Here is my message_list.php code regarding the delete function ;

if (isset($_POST['delete_messages']) || isset($_POST['delete_messages_comply']))
    if (isset($_POST['delete_messages_comply']))
        // Check this is legit
        if ($pun_user['g_id'] < PUN_GUEST)

        if (@preg_match('/[^0-9,]/', $_POST['messages']))
            message($lang_common['Bad request']);

        // Delete messages
        $db->query('DELETE FROM '.$db->prefix.'messages WHERE id IN('.$_POST['messages'].') AND owner='.$pun_user['id']) or error('Unable to delete messages.', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error());

        redirect('message_list.php?box='.intval($_POST['box']), $lang_pms['Deleted redirect']);
        $page_title = pun_htmlspecialchars($pun_config['o_board_title']).' / '.$lang_pms['Multidelete'];
        $idlist = is_array($_POST['delete_messages']) ? array_map("intval", $_POST['delete_messages']) : array();

// Delete multiple messages
if (isset($_POST['delete_messages']) || isset($_POST['delete_messages_comply']))
    if (isset($_POST['delete_messages_comply']))
        // Check this is legit
        if ($pun_user['g_id'] < PUN_GUEST)

        if (@preg_match('/[^0-9,]/', $_POST['messages']))
            message($lang_common['Bad request']);

        // Delete messages
        $db->query('DELETE FROM '.$db->prefix.'messages WHERE id IN('.$_POST['messages'].') AND owner='.$pun_user['id']) or error('Unable to delete messages.', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error());

        redirect('message_list.php?box='.intval($_POST['box']), $lang_pms['Deleted redirect']);
        $page_title = pun_htmlspecialchars($pun_config['o_board_title']).' / '.$lang_pms['Multidelete'];
        $idlist = is_array($_POST['delete_messages']) ? array_map("intval", $_POST['delete_messages']) : array();
        require PUN_ROOT.'header.php';
<div class="blockform">
    <h2><span><?php echo $lang_pms['Multidelete'] ?></span></h2>
    <div class="box">
        <form method="post" action="message_list.php">
            <div class="inform">
                <input type="hidden" name="messages" value="<?php echo implode(',', array_values($idlist)) ?>" />
                <input type="hidden" name="box" value="<?php echo intval($_POST['box']) ?>" />
                    <div class="infldset">
                        <p class="warntext"><strong><?php echo $lang_pms['Delete messages comply'] ?></strong></p>
            <p><input type="submit" name="delete_messages_comply" value="<?php echo $lang_pms['Delete'] ?>" /><a href="javascript:history.go(-1)"><?php echo $lang_common['Go back'] ?></a></p>


Test forum : http://www.forum-des-portables-asus.fr/
user : test4
pass: candle

I quoted this line in my profile.php

if ($pun_user['g_read_board'] == '0' && ($action != 'change_pass' || !isset($_GET['key'])))
    message($lang_common['No view']);
//if ($pun_user['is_guest'])
//    message($lang_common['No permission']);

Undiging .. smile

I am facing this message :

Could not get tag data from tables expertise_tags and expertise_links

Both table expertise_tags and expertise_links exists



Problem Fixed.


When a user asks for a new password, he receives a mail with a tmp password and a link to activate a new password.

But, it appears that when the user clicks the link, the system returns the following message :

"Please register to be able to view this page"

I have worked on my profile.php few months ago (new fields in the profile page and registration process) but i am unable to find where the error occurs.

Hope you can help. You will find below my modified propfile.php


Thank you

Problem Solved. Can't delete own message.

Re Koos,

This does the trick.
I have a nice Dopdown list on my header.
Do you know in which file is the dropdown menu coded ? (i would like to change the Title "Go to" or "Navigate"




(2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Hey Koos,

Thank you for answer.
Problem solved.



Just asking what piece of code to paste in header.php or main.tpl to display the Quickjump menu ?
I have tried to copy/paste this code with no chance :

// Display the "Jump to" drop list
    if ($pun_config['o_quickjump'] == '1')
        // Load cached quickjump
        @include PUN_ROOT.'cache/cache_quickjump_'.$pun_user['g_id'].'.php';
        if (!defined('PUN_QJ_LOADED'))
            require_once PUN_ROOT.'include/cache.php';
            require PUN_ROOT.'cache/cache_quickjump_'.$pun_user['g_id'].'.php';

Thank you for your lights




(2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Greetings all,

My forum is based in Canada
My visitors come 98% from Europe
I setup PunBB admin and users hour to CET+1
Time is displaying OK when users are loggued.
But time is KO for guests (Canadian time displayed)

Can you please help to force CEt+1 for Guest also?




(1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Here is a complete interface reworked based on theme "Cellfuse" and using Puntal as portal system.

Whole interface stand vertically which best fits on portable devices.

French portal dealing with actuality and support of ASUS Laptops :





(60 replies, posted in Supported extensions)

Good morning,
Thanks for this job,
I am looking for this mod for 1.2 branch of PunBB
Anyone can help?
Kindest regards

Thank you dimkalinux
In fact i am still running PunBB 1.2 and trying to find a way to adapt the code to it


Any one knows a way to display the categories "collapsed" by default ?

Can't find the line of code.

Thank you.



Undiging the topic wink

I have this error :
XML analyse error : bad construction
Location : http://www.forum-des-portables-asus.fr/sitemap.php
Line 28, Column 88 :    <loc>http://www.forum-des-portables-asus.fr/f32-Actualite-Asus-nouveaux-modeles.html&p=2</loc>

May be can you help ?



INSERT INTO search_words VALUES("4803", "bie");
INSERT INTO search_words VALUES("4804", "bie");

as a primary value, the problem was coming from this entry.


Bug in MySQL 3


the problem is in the table search_words

i made an export with this table and all was going ok.
then i created the table manually.

CREATE TABLE `search_words` (
  `id` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `word` varchar(20) binary NOT NULL default '',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`word`),
  KEY `search_words_id_idx` (`id`)

by the way i have a different message on a second base.
not a charset error, i am still looking for a solution



and the artist goes well

I tried an import in Charset Latin1 and it goes through! smile

As i am an artist, i did a /usr/bin/mysqldump -aec punbb>punbb.sql

and when importing:


hi elbekko

sadly not, i have an old box without phpMyAdmin.
may be i could do the export in command line, but i do not know the command.

I am having two PunBB 1.2.12 forums running on a MySQL 3.23 station.
I am managing them from MySQL Front, a third party Program.

I am now setting up a new server and want to migrate the two databases.

The new server is running MySQL 4.1.20. I am managing my data through PhpMyAdmin.

I made an export from MySQL Front from my PunBB tables to desktop resulting to a data.sql.

When i try to inject the data to my fresh installed MySQL 4.1.20 i am encounting this error message:

MySQL answered:Documentation
#1062 - Duplicate entry 'connect' for key 1

When i asked for further information:


MySQL a answered:Documentation
#1146 - Table 'mabase_forum.Array' doesn't exist

I made a little search on internet but do not really know how to solve this problem.
I read it could be an autoincrement trouble...

Any help would be greatly appreciated



When trying to setup the MOD
System display me this message:

File: /home/e-smith/files/primary/html/asus/install_mod.php
Line: 31

PunBB reported: Unable to add Table "arcade_ranking"

Database reported: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'ENGINE=MyISAM' at line 9 (Errno: 1064)

The line in the code is the following

        ) ENGINE=MyISAM") or error('Unable to add Table "arcade_ranking" ', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error());

I think it might be a error due to mySQM version but not sure:

MySQL 3.23.41

Thank you for helping