So if I look at this right, $stats is a 2D array correct? If so you would access the surname by doing this:

<?php echo pun_htmlspecialchars($stats['last_user']['surname']) ?>


(2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

Yeah well I'm a Moderator at Stealing Your Info and I noticed that someone posted a topic with a BBCode bug. It ends up changing the whole text style for the rest of the page.

This is the post:






(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Why is it called Admin notes when mods can set them? lol.

Yeah if anyone can get it, that'd be great. :x

Open install_mod.php and find:

                $sql = 'CREATE TABLE '.$db->prefix."messages (
                        id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
                        owner int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
                        subject VARCHAR(120) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
                        message TEXT,
                        sender VARCHAR(120) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
                        sender_id int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
                        posted INT(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
                        sender_ip VARCHAR(120),
                        smileys TINYINT DEFAULT '1',
                        status TINYINT DEFAULT '0',
                        showed TINYINT DEFAULT '0',
                        PRIMARY KEY (id)
                        ) TYPE=MyISAM;";
                $db->query($sql) or error('Unable to create table '.$db->prefix.'messages.', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error());

and change it to:

                $sql = 'CREATE TABLE '.$db->prefix."messages (
                        id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
                        owner int(10) NOT NULL,
                        subject VARCHAR(120) NOT NULL,
                        message TEXT,
                        sender VARCHAR(120) NOT NULL,
                        sender_id int(10) NOT NULL,
                        posted INT(10) NOT NULL,
                        sender_ip VARCHAR(120),
                        smileys TINYINT DEFAULT '1',
                        status TINYINT DEFAULT '0',
                        showed TINYINT DEFAULT '0',
                        PRIMARY KEY (id)
                        ) TYPE=MyISAM;";
                $db->query($sql) or error('Unable to create table '.$db->prefix.'messages.', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error());