Thanks, that was exactly it! I dropped the wrong xfire column, I forgot to do it in the old table I was actually using, not the new one I made as a test.

File: C:\site\site\punbb\upload\register.php
Line: 190

PunBB reported: Unable to create user

Database reported: Field 'xfire' doesn't have a default value (Errno: 1364)

Shit, so the xfire mod didn't work. What would I have to uninstall or revert to previous to get it working? I put back the old profile.php files into their respective directories, as well as a new register.php file. I also dropped the xfire field from the users table but I still get the same message!


Ok, a clean install with a new table in my database will allow me to register users. So now why the hell can't new people register under the old table, called punbb1_. If I make a new table called say punbb2_ or punbb3_, people can register - but if I use my existing table they can't. What's wrong?

Out of nowhere, about an hour and a half ago, no one has been able to register. This doesn't make any sense, I haven't modified the forum in any way whatsoever. If I reinstall cleanly I can register users, but I want to keep the same database... is the page. Existing users can login, but no one else can register. Someone help!