I wonder how can I include code in main.tpl?
In punbb 1.2 there was some defined hooks
Searched the wiki and nothing, thanks
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PunBB Forums → Posts by oliversl
I wonder how can I include code in main.tpl?
In punbb 1.2 there was some defined hooks
Searched the wiki and nothing, thanks
I just realized that the 1.3 migration from 1.2 deleted all text after an accent in a line.
For example a forum was called:
"Linux como estación de trabajo"
end up in:
"Linux como estaci"
Thanks Garciat and whatrevolution!
Since I use Linux/Apache/Php I used this code based on Garciat suggestion:
if (empty($_SERVER['HTTPS'])) {
$base_url = 'http://www.example.com/';
else {
$base_url = 'https://www.example.com/';
Its a little long but very descriptive
Hi all,
I need some help integrating punbb with dokuwiki.
This plugins does not seems to work anymore:
Anyone could upgrade to punbb 1.3 and get dokuwiki to work?
Many thanks
When I upgraded from 1.2 to 1.3 I noted that the migration was too slow because of too many saved searches.
It would be nice if you can prune also saved searches from the database.
Many thanks
It would be nice if a normal user can switch between http and https, by just changing the URL and reloading.
This will allow moderators and admins to login from public terminals even if the config.php points to:
$base_url = 'http://example.com';
Right now the only way to use https is to manually change the file config.php to:
$base_url = 'https://example.com';
More discussions:
http://punbb.informer.com/forums/topic/ … same-time/
//Slavok: Misprint in topic subject was correct
Maybe we should file a feature request about having both http and https in punbb 1.3,
I was thinking that SQL Injections was part of the past with PHP5 and the new DB methods.
Are punbb still dealing with SQL Injection manually?
Upgrading ...
Hi Slavok,
thanks for answering.
Basically I use always http. But in the Login page, I use https.
I manually enter the Login URL with the https:// prefix, then I login,
and then manually swtich back to the http URL.
I do this because I have a login with admin right in the forum.
Many thanks
Great news and thanks for finishing it in 2008!
Try adding an
AllowOverride ALL
to your httpd.conf
<Directory /.../punbb>
AllowOverride ALL
Then do a reload on apache:
service httpd reload
I just migrated to punbb 1.3.1 from punbb 1.2.20
I used to login in punbb 1.2 by clicking in login and then changing the URL to https and reload.
This allow me to send my password via https.
Now I do the same but the form is sent to an http URL.
How can I have a punbb 1.3 forum in both, http and https?
Many thanks
P.D.: ooops, maybe this should be moved to Punbb 1.3 Discussions, sorry about that
Anyone working on a Spanish-LatinAmerica translation?
It is a little different as Spanish-Spain.
Maybe a captcha mod, I use one on the registration page of: www.linux.org.py/foro
It uses the kcaptcha php captcha, very nice solution BTW
I think its ok for the authors to do with the code what they think is the best, but I also think that when a FOSS project sells its copyright, there is room for the current copyright owner to start asking for development that will never go to the free project.
I know that development in punbb will never stop, but I'm afraid that in the coming months more and more energy will go to the closed source, because it is pay for.
I choosed punbb over phpbb after phpbb had a bad security issue, and because phpbb3 was too long in the future. Now phpbb3 is here, so only time will tell is phpbb3 gets as secure as punbb and if punbb3 take ever more to come to light.
All I can do is wait, talk good of punbb and wait a little more, then review a forum migration or stay in punbb3.
Also, having analytics and adsense in punbb.org should be a must.
BTW, many thanks for the work done so far in 1.2.x, I really appreciate it
punbb 1.2 is great, but punbb 1.3 has easier module install/upgrade, more features and hey, it has a new version number too
What's wrong with 1.2.16 ?
I think is a big news, because punbb and phpbb were a couple of time ago in development versions that promises a lot when released.
Now phpbb was released but punbb was not
Hey, but is anyone comparing? I'm still love and want punbb over phpbb.
But in order to be neutral, it should be nice to try the new version.
P.D.: any beds on when the first full db access bug will be found in phpbb? just kidding ...
I know we are not competing with anyone, but phpbb is approaching version 3, and it would be nice to have some beta of the 1.3 just to show off
punbb rocks!
Ahh ok, since here is code:
http://punbb.org/svn/punbb/branches/pun … ev/upload/
I was thinking maybe using that SVN directory
I just visited Punbb analisis on collabnet:
I noted that there is no punbb 1.3 on collabnet. Is it posible to update the SVN URL of the 1.3 tree? Or is intencionally only listed the 1.2.x source tree?
One negative point noted in the analisis is that "Decreasing year-over-year development activity", but looking at trak on 1.3 thats not true.
Hi Rickard,
your post encouraged me to give it a try. I too have a heavy (by hand!) modified punbb.
The patch went really good, I only had to manually add 2 lines in search.php and moderate.php
Then I uploaded and run 12_to_1215_update.php, and all is ok now.
There, changelog up as well.
Reines wrote:Urgh my forum is heavily modded, im too lazy these days
Thanks for the update
Try running the patch. You'll be surprised how well it goes. If you're hesitant, at least try running a "dry-run". Check the man page for more details.
Congrats to the official team!!!
And many thanks for the great work !
Also, if there would be 'pay for' mods, I'm quite sure there soon would be a free alternative mod ...
You got that right!
I think you can legally release a closed source version of the poll_mod, but it should not be based on any code of punbb.
It is posible, yes, legal, yes.
But, I would suggest openning a paypal account or something and ask for a donation. You can end up having a really happy admin of a big forum and donating 100$
Anyway, is up to you. If your original poll source code is gpl, someone might end up modifying it and releasing it as a new version(credits to you of course).
In my case, I only need a simple poll like phpbb, that is a "regular" poll. So, I won't be buying the new version. Also, I don't have the money
PunBB Forums → Posts by oliversl
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