I would use for integrating to a CMS or something.
In my example, I have integrated dokuwiki with punbb, and some users have strange usernames. I can use this new field and force users to have a alphanumeric username.
Maybe in the future, this username can be used to have an email too.

#---------[ 8. FIND (line: 144) ]---------------------------------------------

that line is not need anymore in punbb 1.2.12, is already added

Works on 1.2.12!

Just finished testing this patch, it adds:
- support for migrating polls to EasyPoll mod
- support for migrating topic subscriptions to punbb
- it also clean-up the PM migration to Private Message System mod

I sended the patch to the author but his email account was not working (its closed), didn't knew if I could upload a file to the punres wiki, so I used a local wiki.

More info in:
http://www.linux.org.py/wiki/howto/migr … hpbb_punbb

I tested migrating phpbb 2.0.19 a clean version of punbb 1.2.12


how do you managed to migrate the polls and the subscription info? Thanks

the pools are not migrated nor the subscriptions info

I have a working LDAP DB I would like to create the same username in the mysql DB, but a the authetication time, I would like to check againts the LDAP server instead of the mysql DB.

Sould I only modify the login.php file?

Many thanks

Another thing that can help is this:
if a mod need to insert code (using an include()) at line xx in a .php file, that action can be logged in a central DB. Maybe a punres.org
So, if another mod need to add an incluide() at the same line, some sort of conflict resolution can be done at install time or at mod development time.

A warning can tell the developer that a mod is already at that line, so he can check for compatibility.
Then, the user can recive a warning when installing incompatible mods.

Just some ideas ... I know 1.3 will be a very big release, so I just look forward it.

Anyone knows howto migrate topic subscription from phpbb 2.0.21 to punbb 1.2.12 ?

Maybe some simple convention on writting mods can help.
I you mod needs to add a few lines of code in viewtopic.php, maybe you can insert a include() in viewtopic.php instead of 50lines of code.
For the hooks, punbb can check id there is a hook. If there is a hook, execute the hook, if there is not a hook, execute the original code. That way you don't need to convert to classes the current punbb.

Thanks for the FAQ.
As a newie, first thing I looked in this FAQ was:
"How do I install a mod?"

Maybe this question can be answered here or in the wiki: http://wiki.punres.org/How_to_install_a_mod



(49 replies, posted in General discussion)

lets use the format described in the first post please

Hi Steven,
I downloaded:


I understand that the readme.txt is in some sort of language, maybe a language as the one used in the EaseMod in phpbb.
Thats why I asked if there is a mod that can read and interpred the language in readme.txt. If that kind of mod exists, I think it will make installation/upgrade more easy.

I will follow thronga instructions or just do what the readme.txt says.

After I find a solution, I will complete this page:


I just downloaded it, but how do I install it?

Do I need another mod to install this mod? The .zip file only have 3 files and no install.txt

Many thanks!


Hi Smartys,
lets calm down a litle.

I understand your point about saving the passwords. No problem.

I edited my forum to support autocomplete=off, if anyone find it helpfull, they can read my first post and do the same.

Just a note, most users just click Yes in the "don't ask again" checkbox from the dialog window.

My only point is that most secure site uses this attribute, so it might be usefull to use it.

Smartys, I already know that you don't want to use this attribute, thats ok.

Hi Smartys,
my point is that since IE is the most used browser, and it does not ask you to save your password, it might be insecure when people use IE in public terminals. thats all.

BTW, I use Firefox wink

I won't say the word "Ever".
This feature should be configured as:
- a site configuration, done by the admin
- a user configuration, done by a cookie and custom make login form

Either way, it is configurable.

Another way to look at this is:
- punbb configured as secure as posible: use a non xhtml attribute in favor to a secure installations (as done in bank, yahoo, hotmail, big-site-example.com, etc)
- punbb configured as user friendly: let the browser save the user/password of the login form

you have to decide how secure you want to provide punbb to your users ...

another feature, will be to allow users to login in public terminals.
Think about this, you check your punbb forum from a friends PC, while traveling, while in another work workstation, and your login info is compromised.

Firefox ask you every time to remember your password, but Internet Explorer no.

So, this feature should give a more secure aproach to punbb logins.

I agree, it can be disabled or disabled/enabled per user login (using a checkbox like "I'm using a public terminal"), thats perfect for me.

If you put in the <form> tag, all fields of the form get the attribute too.
So there is no need to put in every form field.

Of course you can also use it only, for example, for the password field.

All mayor: mozilla 1+, Firefox 1+, IE 5+
http://www.w3.org/Submission/web-forms2 … tocomplete

Hi Smartys,
the problem is that the un-checked checkbox confuses me.
Why is there a unchecked "subscribe checkbox" if I'm already subscribed?
I was expecting a "un-subscribe checkbox", a checked "subscribe checkbox" or no checkbox at all.

I'm testing a migration from phpbb to punbb.

I have been using punbb as a user in another forum and have seen this problem, now I see it in my forum too.

To reproduce:
- create a topic
- read the topic
- subscribe to the topic by clicking the link at the bottom
- post a new reply to the topic
- you see the "Subscribe to this topic" checkbox unchecked

I wonder if that checkbox should be available or checked, because I'm already subscribed to that topic.

It this a desired behavior? I was thinking it is like that in order to save a few SQL queries. Is that right?

Many Thanks
P.D.: punbb is a great forum software!

Jansson wrote:
reckless wrote:

just a quick question, when i use this does it convert the current phpbb db or will in create a new db for punbb copying the data?
so if anything goes wrong will the phpbb forum still be intact and useable?

I'm pretty sure it converts the current db so make a backup first.

I created a punbb DB and converted from phpbb for testing.
The phpbb DB was left intact, the new punbb DB was empty and after the migration it was filled with the migrated data from phpbb.

Just be sure to use another database/user when asked in the wizzard


Just tryied and it worked without errors!
I migrated from phpbb.

Here is my wish list:
- migrate topic subscriptions
- migrate ranks
- include this topic URL in http://punbb.org/downloads.php for feedback

Many thanks!!!