Rickard wrote:

This is the current state of the rewrite support, but it isn't set in stone.

Thanks, very helpful.

The idea behind the rewrite support is that it should be easy to extend with your own scheme. This isn't quite true just yet, but it will be.

That sounds great!

Quick question for the developers:
have you decided what the format for the URLs will look like in PunBB 1.3?

/thread-id.html ,  /thread-id-title.html or...?

I'm running a mid-sized phpBB board right now and my current way of rewriting the URLs is messy as hell. If switch to punBB 1.2.12 I'll change the way the URLs are re-written, but I still would like my old phpBB urls to work so I'll end up with two sets of rewriting rules: one for the old links, and one for the new ones. It would be convenient if I could start using the "1.3 look" immediately, so that the method that I use for rewriting the URLs of punbb 1.2.12 will be compatible with the 1.3 way of doing the rewriting.