(2 replies, posted in Feature requests)

That is spot on PERFECT smile

I have the online list set to 172800 seconds which is 48 hours.

Instead of staying on the list for that long somewhere during the night the list resets and it looks like nobody visited the board. This happens every 24 hours regardless of what setting I pick.

I read somewhere there was a bug in the software that causes this.


(2 replies, posted in Feature requests)

I have a moderator for every forum and we have a rule that we do not delete topics.
Instead we move them to a hidden forum called trash bin. We do that so for legal reasons if we ever need access to a topic it is there to look at.

We educate the moderators to not delete the topics but ultimately somebody deletes one by accident instead of moving it. I just lost a 5 page topic that should not have been deleted.

Is there any way to prevent anyone but Admins to delete topics. So pretty well the TOPIC delete button would not show up even for moderators.


(7 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Thank you, I was able to download this excellent extension


(7 replies, posted in Feature requests)

I was thinking this css

/*remove announcement for members*/
div#brd-announcement {
    display: none;

Except how do I make it that it shows it for guests but removes it for logged in users?


(7 replies, posted in Feature requests)

I am from Canada and that site asks for a donation.
I can only use Paypal and that is not listed as payment so there is no way for me to download that extension.

It does look very nice.


(40 replies, posted in Supported extensions)

So I am wondering if there is a way to remove most of fancy alert and make it only notify when someone has been quoted.

Right now it notifies you twice, once for the topic and once when you are quoted so you get two notifications and unless you click into the topic they stay.

So to make this a smaller and more usable extension I wonder if it could be separated so only the quote portion is used.

So basically no topic alert just quote alert.


(7 replies, posted in Feature requests)

I am trying to show this for guests...

Guests cannot: Start Topics, Respond to Topics, Search Topics, See Active Topics, View Member List, Use Board Email.

I am currently using announcements to show this but it seems irrelevant to show that to members currently logged in.

How do I hide announcements from members and show it only to guess?

I would prefer a separate announcement for guests but could find no such solution so I figured the best thing to do was to use the announcement and use some css to hide it for logged in users.

Problem is I am not sure how to do that.


(31 replies, posted in Feature requests)


Yes so apparantly it does notify but when you post using the @ BUTTON it shows like this on the post screen

[notify]Visman[/notify] and the same on the forum once it posts

it should look like this on the forum when it is posted @Visman

That only happens when the @ button is used


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.4 additions)

Very cool Visman

I also like that it removes the white box around the spoiler unless you click it.

Additionally the text (click to open) is very discreet.

Fabulous job

Do you have a private board where all your extensions are installed?


(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.4 additions)


I added this great function but some of my members did not know what a spoiler was so I added this...

(click to open)

I would prefer for the Spoiler word to be bold but the (click to open) part I added to be not bold.

I have been trying to make this change but am having difficulties.

PS. Fancy Spoiler caused some issues on my board, yours works much better.


(4 replies, posted in Feature requests)

8k84 wrote:

I believe the option "Silent edit" should be Off by default.

I agree with this, my moderators forget to remove the silent edit checkmark.

Silent edit should have to be checked when a moderator needs it. Right now most mods forget to check it and I have a requirement for mods to post edit reason.

Silent edit should only be used in special circumstances therefore I would prefer the checkbox be unchecked as default.

That cannot be edited out via css


(154 replies, posted in Supported extensions)

Is there a way to take the address for pun pm


and change it to this:


That one works perfect Visman

Now when a member posts an external link it opens a new tab and an internal link stays in the same window.


I understand but I run a very small forum with only about 70 trusted members and I am I am trying to have internal inks open in the same tab and external ones with a new tab.

If you look on sites like cnn.com and others most websites do that now where any link that takes you offsite opens in a new tab so the member can close the tab and be right back on site. Sometimes when people follow links they do multiple clicks and getting back is not as so easy.

Any way to modify the extension to have it not open a new tab for the base forum url?

The link in post 1 is broken, would be nice to have this.

When someone posts a link to another topic in the forum or someone puts a link to a topic in the signature this extension will also open the page in another tab.

It should not open a new window/tab when the link contains the base forum address.


This is a great extension but it interferes with Pun Polls

See attached screen shot, it should not have a save as draft button on the poll when other members are viewing the poll and the topic is posted.


(10 replies, posted in PunBB 1.4 additions)

Yup that worked, I now have it that my PM link and New Post link turns red and bold whenever something new comes up.

I used this to make the PM bold

<span style="color:#C60000;">

Now the PM link turns Bold and Red when a new message is received as well

I Edited: Functions.php in pun_pm and that seemed to work

I wanted it to be consistent for both links and this was a great fix.


(10 replies, posted in PunBB 1.4 additions)

Thank you visman

I added this to turn it red

    font-weight: bold;
    color: #C60000;

In kt_newpost_hl.css but it did not seem to work


(10 replies, posted in PunBB 1.4 additions)

Is there an active link to this?


(3 replies, posted in Feature requests)


Wow, flawless

Nobody can confuse that with reply now

Visman, that was perfect work, incredibe!!

I am soooo happy



(3 replies, posted in Feature requests)




As you can see I have a link called Reply, I changed the Quote link to Reply when I added my multi quote (Quote+)

The problem is some members were clicking Report instead of Reply by accident so I changed the Report link to "Report this Post"  which made it stand out a bit more but the occasional member still makes the mistake.

Then I noticed the Red submit button when I delete a post really stands out so if I could make the submit button red in the Report Post section then it would stand out more for members.

So how do I make the Submit button in Report red?
And also change the text from submit to REPORT POST


(31 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Thank you @Visman, that fixed the fancy URL issue.

I have a very small forum so the load is not an issue, the positive aspect of the extension outweighs the negative.

The first issue with the @ button in the BB code bar not working is still an issue.

The BB Code does not convert to @username when posted. So to use this extension you have to hide the non functioning button in the bbcode bar.