very strange...hmmm must be doing something wrong
1 2006-07-05 19:20
Re: Newsletter (22 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
2 2006-07-05 18:58
Re: Newsletter (22 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
arr all seems to be working except the newsletter emails are coming through empty...just a blank email
3 2006-07-05 18:54
Re: Newsletter (22 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
well look at that!!!
ha ha
thanks very much...just gonna test the rest of it and will let you know in a moment
4 2006-07-05 18:32
Re: Newsletter (22 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
have changed all those within newsletter.php
but now :
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: redirect() in /home/slwincou/public_html/fayestevenson-co-uk/modules/PunBB/Newsletter.php on line 32
Line 32=
redirect($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "Subscribed");
seems to have done something
would the variable need to be changed in all the newsletter files?
thanks very much
5 2006-07-05 17:51
Re: Newsletter (22 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
as i mentioned it was installed as a module for CMS Made Simple.
Download :
Maybe the module is based on an older version of PunBB, or something like that???
Thanks for your help
6 2006-07-05 17:44
Re: Newsletter (22 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
only from instructions from the newsletter readme:
#-------[ 1. OPEN ]---------------
#-------[ 2. FIND ]---------------
function pun_mail($to, $subject, $message, $from = '')
#-------[ 3. REPLACE WITH ]-------
function pun_mail($to, $subject, $message, $from = '', $html = false)
#-------[ 4. FIND ]---------------
$headers = 'From: '.$from."\r\n".'Date: '.date('r')."\r\n".'MIME-Version: 1.0'."\r\n".'Content-transfer-encoding: 8bit'."\r\n".'Content-type: text/plain; charset='.$lang_common['lang_encoding']."\r\n".'X-Mailer: PunBB Mailer';
#-------[ 5. REPLACE WITH ]-------
// HTML headers (thank you documentation)
$headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";
$headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n";
$headers .= 'From: '.$from."\r\n".'Date: '.date('r')."\r\n".'X-Mailer: PunBB Mailer';
$headers = 'From: '.$from."\r\n".'Date: '.date('r')."\r\n".'MIME-Version: 1.0'."\r\n".'Content-transfer-encoding: 8bit'."\r\n".'Content-type: text/plain; charset='.$lang_common['lang_encoding']."\r\n".'X-Mailer: PunBB Mailer';
#-------[ 6. EXTRACT ]------------
"Newsletter mod" to PunBB's base dir
#-------[ 7. RUN ]----------------
7 2006-07-05 17:40
Re: Newsletter (22 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
after entering a email i still get the : Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/slwincou/public_html/fayestevenson-co-uk/modules/PunBB/Newsletter.php on line 30
i used
8 2006-07-05 17:15
Re: Newsletter (22 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
i will go back to the instructions i used to get the forum within CMSMS and see exactly what was changed and see if i can figure it out from there...
config.php has the follwing
$db_type = $config['dbms'];
$db_host = $config['db_hostname'];
$db_name = $config['db_name'];
$db_username = $config['db_username'];
$db_password = $config['db_password'];
$db_prefix = $config['db_prefix'].'module_punbb_';
$p_connect = $config['persistent_db_conn'];
and this works fine...apart from the newsletter!
9 2006-07-05 17:14
Re: Newsletter (22 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
yes that error happens when i modify the config.php
the error has gone now as i have restored the file....
to be honest i think it is an issue with the fact i have the forum working in conjunction with CMSMS.
10 2006-07-05 17:09
Re: Newsletter (22 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
i just had a thought...the database connection settings are being read from the CMS script.
So there are no db settings changed within config.php
i went con config.php and as i though no settings..
$db_type = $config['dbms'];
$db_host = $config['localhost'];
$db_name = $config['slwincou_fayecms'];
$db_username = $config['*********'];
$db_password = $config['**********'];
$db_prefix = $config['cms_'].'module_punbb_';
$p_connect = $config['persistent_db_conn'];
now the errors i get is:
Error: Unable to connect to MySQL server. MySQL reported: Access denied for user 'slwincou'@'localhost' (using password: NO).
any idea to what is wrong with these settings?
simon w
11 2006-07-05 17:03
Re: Newsletter (22 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
this is already at the top of the newsletter.php file:
define('PUN_ROOT', './');
require PUN_ROOT.'include/common.php';
and i still get:
Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/slwincou/public_html/fayestevenson-co-uk/modules/PunBB/Newsletter.php on line 30
Line 30=
$email = $db->escape($_POST['email']);
any ideas to why this could be happening?
thanks very much for your time
12 2006-07-05 14:18
Re: Newsletter (22 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
thanks for the reply.
but why is that?
what can i do?
the forums are working fine....
13 2006-07-05 13:23
Topic: Newsletter (22 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
Hi all,
I have PunBB installed and being used from within a CMS Made simple installation. All works fine until i try to install the newslstter plug-in.
At first the install script couldn't alter my database tables so i had to do it manually.
But now i have it installed it doesn't send any newsletters. Here is the error i get:
Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/slwincou/public_html/fayestevenson-co-uk/modules/PunBB/plugins/AP_Newsletter.php on line 88
Line 88 =
$result = $db->query("SELECT DISTINCT email FROM ".$db->prefix."users WHERE newsletter='true'") or die(mysql_error());
any ideas what this could be?
Kind regards
Simon W