(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Couple of suggestions:

Probably a good idea to include the BBCode fuctions buttons into the script, along with basic functions like bullet and ordered lists.
And, I've tested your converter with a few other boards. Works well, but the password salt is a big problem with the IPB conversion. Has this problem been addressed in some later incarnation of the migration tool? I've looked but cannot find anything.


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Hi all.

I've been registered for a while now following the developments of PunBB.
I'm a web developer by trade, but I also own a hosting and web design company.

We've tried and tested just about every bulletinboard on the planet, and own multiple licensed boards (mostly IPB) between all the projects we have developed for sale.

Recently we've launched a series of low resource websites and we required a low resource bulletinboard. Needless to say we opted for PunBB.
During the last week I've had little else on my screen. I've set up various test boards and pulled the board code apart to get a better understanding of it all, and I have to say that I'm very impressed.

As a result of my tests, I am now converting some client boards from phpBB to PunBB. phpBB was considered to be the best free option however I find it dated and insecure.

I think that PunBB has a lot of potential and it's safe to say that I will continue to follow future development.
I may even contribute to the script myself when (if ever) I find some spare time. I have already developed a fresh and effective skin which I am considering donating to the PunResource.

Bottom line... Full marks to the development team here @ PunBB, and all those who have contributed.
A job very well done.