Have someone converted a e107forum system to punBB?

Is there any converter for e107?

Best regards, Patrik.

Thanks mate smile

Well, it was possible... smile

It works great for me now but i have one issue...

I use the function parse_message....

But i also need the preparse_bbcode function..but i dont know how i should do to run them both?

This is how i run the parse_message function...

$wee['inlagg'] = parse_message($wee['inlagg'],false);
echo $wee['inlagg'];

How should i do to run them both? Any suggestions?

Is it possible to intregrate Easy BBCode on textarea that is'nt in forum but in the site where i have integrated punBB?

I don't get the all the path to work as the page that the textarea is on level under the forum dir.

Someone who has done this before?


Hehe, i have tried that one before but did get a error and i got it now with your code too.

But now i saw what i had done, the echo was before the last else statement....

Damn me... smile

but thanks again!!!! big_smile

Is it possible to show news with AP_News_Generator and from extern.php on the same page?

I have integrated my punBB into my homepage and on the frontpage of my site i want to show latest news with AP_News_Generator and also show 10 resent posts with extern.php. But thats maby not possible?

Because my extern list with recent posts just shows posts from the forumid that i enter in AP_News_Generator.

So when i put this there is nothing showed...

<? include('http://host.com/forums/extern.php?action=new&show=10&nfid=2'); ?>

Suppose thats because of the ignore of forum id 2 that is my "newsforum"....

Am i right or out on a bicycleride? smile

I never get satisfied.. sad

I use this to write out the avatar...

$avatardir = "../forum/img/avatars";
            if ($img_size = @getimagesize($avatardir.'/'.$row_gastboken['usr_inlagg'].'.gif'))
                $user_avatar = '<img src="'.$avatardir.'/'.$row_gastboken['usr_inlagg'].'.gif" alt="" border="1"/>';
            else if ($img_size = @getimagesize($avatardir.'/'.$row_gastboken['usr_inlagg'].'.jpg'))
                $user_avatar = '<img src="'.$avatardir.'/'.$row_gastboken['usr_inlagg'].'.jpg" alt="" border="1"/>';
            else if ($img_size = @getimagesize($avatardir.'/'.$row_gastboken['usr_inlagg'].'.png'))
                $user_avatar = '<img src="'.$avatardir.'/'.$row_gastboken['usr_inlagg'].'.png" alt="" border="1" />';
echo "$user_avatar";

But now i would like to show a "no avatar pic" if the user does'nt have any uploaded avatar.

I tried all kind of things but hav'nt succeded and thanks to that my hair now is grey, is that good?

I suppose that you just should make a if statement and echo either $user_avatar or and imgsrc to my "no avatar pic"? I've tried that but i dont really know what to compare $user_avatar to? How is that variable if it is empty?

Many question for a PHP beginner like me smile Maby someone of you have any answers? big_smile

I did'nt know there was a search function in this forum, but it sure was and when i tried to search after my "problem" i found several cool things called answers... smile

"You FOOL to think your are alone in the world with your problems...."...... big_smile


I have intergrated punBB into my website. And now o am trying to show the avatar on a page on my page. The avatar that i want to show is that avatar where the user is the id in the parameter.

I have made it but then i can just choose a specific .jpg, .png or gif.....i need something that looks if its a gif, jpg or so....

This is what i found in profile.php

            if ($img_size = @getimagesize($pun_config['o_avatars_dir'].'/'.$id.'.gif'))
                $avatar_field = '<img src="'.$pun_config['o_avatars_dir'].'/'.$id.'.gif" '.$img_size[3].' alt="" />';
            else if ($img_size = @getimagesize($pun_config['o_avatars_dir'].'/'.$id.'.jpg'))
                $avatar_field = '<img src="'.$pun_config['o_avatars_dir'].'/'.$id.'.jpg" '.$img_size[3].' alt="" />';
            else if ($img_size = @getimagesize($pun_config['o_avatars_dir'].'/'.$id.'.png'))
                $avatar_field = '<img src="'.$pun_config['o_avatars_dir'].'/'.$id.'.png" '.$img_size[3].' alt="" />';

All help is appreciated!

Cheers... smile

Thanks again! Works greater than great... smile

By the way, you don't know where in profile.php i could make a redirect on the user you clicked? (Hard to understand what i mean, i do another try....)

If i click on a members username in the forum i go to that users profile. But if i want to change that address (i have done an own profilepage)...but you should only go there if you click on another member, not when you click on yours.

I've done that to change the link in the forums (viewtopic.php) but there is alot of other places to change it and it would be much easier if i could all do it in one place in profile.php. I think all links goes to that page, am i correct?

Otherwise, ignore me... smile

hehe smile

Once again, thanks for all the help! smile It all works like charm now... smile

I'll send you a pack of nice swedish chewinggums in my next life.. big_smile

Did'nt work...i must try on my own then... smile

Thanks for all the help, dont waste your time on me anymore smile I'll come back if i really cant make it and ask for some help... smile

Sorry for this spam usage of the forum.. smile

But i remebered on more thing that would be nice if the logged out users could go to, and that is the forgot password page....

How can i change this so it also is possible to go to --> login.php?action=forget

if($pun_user['is_guest'] && !isset($lang_register))

Wow, your my man of the week... wink

Works great!!

Now i have tried it and it worked great. But i jumped on another problem. Now it is'nt possible to register as a new member because of that...

But i am going to try to move the register file outside the template and see what happends. I suppose thats the only solution? Or? smile

Ohhh, nice and simple... smile

Many thanks for the fast answer!!


Tried to find this somewhere in the forum but without luck.

I have intergrated punBB into my website and built som memberstuff on the page that is only for forum members. But my question is, is it posible (or is there any mod for it) to make it so when a person goes to my site theres only showing a loginform, nothing else. And when they login they will go to the page. Is that possible?

By the way, fun to finaly have a try with punBB, its fantastic to work with! smile