Hi, i did that check with REPAIR, and it pretends to work, but some of the Content (HyperLinks in Postings) seem to be broken.
we wil do a clean/Fresh install, becausr we dont need the old content anymore.

thx for the help, i appreciate that!

i did repair table cmd.

uncommented the error output/check (that // Collect some statistics from the database) from index.php.

but error still occurs (now its cant fetch total user count)


An error was encountered
File: /home/www/web9/web/xxx/xxx/xxx/forum/upload/index.php
Line: 155

PunBB reported: Unable to fetch newest registered user 

Database reported: Got error 124 from table handler (Errno: 1030)

thats it... is there an option to import content/config into a fresh install/database of punBB?

i commented line 155 to 160 in upload/index.php, and now i can see the forum again. but the layout is kind of broken.

thank you for feedback smile


i deleted all punBB tables in the Database for mistake.
so i took one of my MySql-Dumps from one Night before, and added the tablesstructure & contents as .sql Query with phpMyAdmin in the database.

Now all the punBB_ tables are in the database with their contents, but the installation keeps complaining with:
Error: Unable to fetch newest registered user.

any ideas? thanx a lot smile
