One of my PunBB installations was spammed quite badly. We had to clean it up and lock it. Google read the forum topics .. so we just loaded it with good ones and denied new registrations.

Most were human, though. I noticed on the server logs that people found the website by doing a search for "Powered by PunBB", which I left in for copyright reasons. People used it to hunt down forum and spam it.

It's not a PunBB issue except to say that everyone who has forum should check the content at least once every day.


(15 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

far too narrow. looks compressed.

^^ you sir are a star!

thanks v. much. I have fixed it .. now validates to strict.

took the advice and now got it down to 2 errors, which are java based.. so that's it. done

you are right, nice code gives SEs some karma

dead right dude. shall do so when I can. smile

Hi All,

  We've had these forums installed for a bit of time now using PunBB.

  have a look and tell me what you think:


nice. where's that script?

gallery2 also has lightbox integration .. but to be honest, gallery2 is a bit bloated .. something leaner would be a good alternative at times.

it was fairly straightforward ... I installed a module called "imageblock", from Gallery2, and this allows remote calling from another page outside of the gallery. It even tells you how to do it (1 line of php, that it provides you with) - you can set referrer so that only your site can link. Just slotted that in ... in the main.tpl (template) it doesn't get executed so I had to put it in the footer ...

the call statement reads like:

"<? php @readfile('http://www.yoursite/window-tinting-gallery/main.php?g2_view=imageblock.External&g2_blocks=randomImage&g2_show=title'); ?>"

I put four of them in a table and it worked a treat.

In the footer.php it goes inbetween the last /div and before the //End the transaction

hope this helps

forgot to say that ... to add the gallery2 integration I had to modify the footer.php. The required code would not execute in the main.tpl.

the page is huge coz I nicked the formatting from the gallery page - have to attend to that asap.

"that is the main.tpl that you are editing?to add the header and footer to it?" by quaker - yeah, all the stuff to put it into the site is using the main.tpl

footer shouldn't be that big (I think 30px) ... so I've done something to that particular page and missed it. Going to correct it this weekend.

hey guys, thanks for all your useful comments ... didn't expect that. ta.

and the footer ... seems to be an error on internet explorer ... have to fix it too - very well spotted

thanks for the comments.

Got to fix the bg on the headings in the forum. It's taking the style from the root .css. Needs a local one without that in ... something to keep me busy.


integrated a small punBB forum into the site,

also integrated a bit of gallery2 onto the same page