THANX A LOT!!! I love u guys!!! (don't think bad tongue )

Good luck!

Hi smile

After installing the "attachment mod" something "strange" is going on...  (nothing wrong with the mod)

When user (guest) is posting something, this posts repeats several times (about 4/6 times)

I checked some files (viewpost, edit, post) and all seems to be ok... but something is not ok smile I'm not good in php (noob) and i can "miss" something...

The cuestion is: what files and where should i check to verify that?

Thanks in advance

(sorry my english) smile

Hi! first: very nice work! thanks a LOT!!!

second: tongue cuestion:

After installing the mod (it was installed by another person) i noticed, that when Guest users or recently registered users post something, it comes duplicated or multiplicated... for ex:

Guests posts: Hi i got a problem

and the posts repeats

Hi i got a problem

Hi i got a problem

Hi i got a problem

Hi i got a problem

Hi i got a problem

May it be a problem with a mod or it's about /dev/hands of the person who installed the mod?

(i'm an admin of this forum, but have no access to ftp... so i think i need to check some files and search a wrong line... but what files should i request to the admin???)

Thanks in advance

P.S. sorry my english smile

???????? seva and thanks gizzmo! smile

I'll test it right now!

thanks again smile

nobody knows? sad

Hi all!
Houston we got a problem... and the problem is:

I need to stop counters in some forum section, because it's a computer'about forum and we got two subforums for "flood" and "talk about nothing"... Some users are "guru" in status just because there are professional floodres tongue

How can I stop the counter of posts in "flood" subforums?

Thanks in advance!