that worked like a charm, thank you so much!

np at all, thanks for your help!

sent to

you want my old phpbb3 DB correct?

using the above code gave the the original DB error I posted about. With the way it is now I repopulated my search index, did a search and was able to view the results, even the posts. in the admin CP i cant see the forums though

some of what? I could export the forums/catagory/posts tables and post that here if you like. and BTW i was able to get this far by not using the updated forums.php file from the converter.

hmm, looking at my new punbb DB all of the tables are populated with the old phpbb3 information, it just isnt showing.

I'll try it, and I am using the second forums.php file you posted. I see where the OP got punbb installed on his site, so I have hope that this will work smile

could it be where i have ran the converter multiple times? should i try from a fresh install again? ATM i can see member count, post count, tpoic count, but it doesnt show any forums or catagories


(55 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

I get this error:

File: /homepages/36/d175509457/htdocs/shadow/punbb/converter/PhpBB/forums.php
Line: 41

Converter reported: Unable to save to database.

Query: INSERT INTO `xxxxxxxxxx`.PUNBB_forums (id,forum_name,forum_desc,num_topics,num_posts,last_poster,last_post_id,last_post,cat_id) VALUES('1','xxxxxxx','xxxxxxxxxxx','16','20','drndadoo','141','1187343698','17')

Database reported: Duplicate entry '1' for key 1 (Errno: 1062)

does my coding look right? i'll be the first to admit im a coding retard.

i think im making things worse sad here is what i got:


$a = array( '#\[url=("|\'|)(.*?)\\1\]\s*#i',

    $b = array(    '[url=$2]',

the rest:

$pattern = array('#\[size=([0-9]*?)\](.*?)\[/size\]#',
                     '#\[hr /\]#',

    $replace = array('<span style="font-size: $1">$2</span>',
                     '<span class="bbu">$1</span>',
                'object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="$1"></param><embed src="$1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>',
                '<embed style="width:400px; height:326px;" id="VideoPlayback" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="$1&hl=en"></embed>',
                     'handle_url_tag(\'$1\', \'$2\')',
                     '<a href="mailto:$1">$1</a>',
                     '<a href="mailto:$1">$2</a>',
                     '<li>?  $1</li>',
                     '<span style="color: $1">$2</span>',
                     '<span style="font-family: $1">$2</span>',
                     '<div align="$1">$2</span>',
                     '<span style="$1">$2</span>',
                     '<hr />',
                     '<hr />',
                     '<span style="background-color: #FFFF00; color: #000000">$1</span>');

i'm still not getting a parse error, but size won work using a 1-9 variable.

awsome, thanks!

i tried to add the [size] tag and cant get it to work for some reason

here is what mine looks like:

$pattern = array('#\[size=(.*?)](.*?)\[/size\]#',

and the replace is:

$replace = array('<span style="font-size: $1">$2</span>',
             '<span class="bbu">$1</span>',

i dont get a parse error it just wont work. any clue as to why? thanks.


(8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

i guess your forum is nice, i couldnt see it. rest of site looks good.