Hi, i have made a portal web and i use PunBB to my forums and portal users.

I would like put the possibility that the users can login form start page whit two text area and one sent button and send data whit POST method to forum database.

How can i do?

P.D: i'm spanish, if i dont speak englis well, sorry!

Ohhh ok ok, I have already solved it, thank for all!!!

ok, but, who can i do?

... sorry but i understand you mor or less, i suppouse by bad translation as for me

I don't understand you
Yes, the table 'foros_anait.wiki'  doesn't exist, because are different tables!

In my sql sentence i only want insert in wiki table, but one date is stract by foros_anait (PunBB Forums) i don't understand why try insert in 'foros_anait.wiki'  instead of wiki.id_autor

Hi, i would like to take user_id from forums database and insert this data in other database. I have the folow code:

include ('./../admin/conexion.php'); <-- Here i connect whit my database

define ('PUN_ROOT', './../foro/'); // <--here whit forum's DB
include PUN_ROOT.'include/common.php';   

$usuario= $pun_user['id'];  <-- i define user id

if(!$anadir=mysql_query("INSERT INTO wiki (fecha_insertado,u_fecha_modificacion,titulo,articulo,id_autor) values (CURDATE(),CURDATE(),'$titulo','$texto','$usuario')"))  <-- and here y try insert

This code generate an error:

Table 'foros_anait.wiki' doesn't exist

wiki is my DB and foros_anait y the forum's DB

The last question!
I wolu'd like to have the possibility to loggin from my index page and after loguin automacly redirect to index. In this moment when I login in forums it redirect to index forum

Ok thanks! you are a master!

Ok, thank's!!! i'm afraid you dont understand me!!!!

one more think, if i want only print a text if your are loggin? example:
in forums i only can see new post if i'm logged

Hi, first of all i'm spanish and i don't speak english as well as i'll like, y try write most well i can and i hope you can understand me.

I woul'd like integrate the forums ussers system whit my page and usse only one validation for my web and forums.

As i read in documentation i include the folow lines in my code:

define ('PUN_ROOT', './foro/'); //para pillar a los usuarios!
require PUN_ROOT.'include/common.php';

and i can see and print users but i dont know do more thinks, for example, i want have to protected pages, onli administratos can accede to this pages or text onli can see if you are login.

How can i do these?

Thanks and sorry for my english!!!!