thanx....times 2 big_smile

in the past i have deleted uses, some of them have avatars, but when i looked in my avatar folder there avatars are still there, if there was a big site with lots of users not doin anything and having avatars it would fill up their space once they delete the users.

so if you delete a user the script should delete the avatar too.


(1,382 replies, posted in General discussion)


PS my 404 error Here

you could add a check in the parse to see what forum they are posting to....

speek of the devil

IE6.0.26 : Win XP home

try using the base url, (dont know it off hand) cuz it will go direct to the file url.

iv experenced this a few times, on my forums and this forum. i think its just a comply random thing, but i havent seen it for a while. its a realy odd thing


(8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Yo the site is da bomb lol but yea its awsome, great work, job well done *pats Jansson on the back*

Spending all day on this one thing, i got it to work, there will be an option in the next version.

PS. im so proud of my self :-) YAY FOR ME....ok ill shut up

are you including the common.php file? if not thoes varibles will not work.


(4 replies, posted in General discussion)

My calendar script dont have any java in it.

i dont think i can, cuz right now the calendars use the php date function to find the day of the week, and it starts with 0=Sunday. but ill look around for a solution


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

you can do all that in css, like i did, so you can have more than one style and just one having an img header or two having a different header


#brdtitle {height:54px;background: url(header.png) no-repeat}
#brdtitle P {display:none}
#brdtitle h1 {display:none}

yes, the install mod should have the version if not add it to the array on line 12

works fine in opera8


(10 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

good to know thanx


(51 replies, posted in Feature requests)

if you dont want to use a user name, than use "Anonymouse"


(4 replies, posted in General discussion)

i found this little article on saying that on april 1st the little icon will change to something else. you'll see either a crazy guy with pencils sticking out of his mouth, an easter bunny or the PHP Dog. i wasnt sure if this was true, actuly i thought they were just pulling our legs but i tryed it and its true.

try it the easy way. download a php server and set your computer date to april first and view your php info.
or the hard way. if you have a webserver, wait for april first and check your php info

wow who would have thought php programmers had such a humor wink lol and i wounder if there are any other dates that they put in to change the image


(10 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

well just some of my ranks i have set up are not registering.

i have some users with like 6-94 number of posts
and i have my rank like:

New Postser : 5
Member : 10
Power Poster : 50
Long Time Poster : 100

but the user's rank are still "New Poster"

iv deleted the cache, deleted the rank and re-added it. i have users with post counts in the 190's and they have the rank "Long Time Poster". so im lost on why the other ones are not registering


(2 replies, posted in Feature requests)

there is a link in the admin index


(67 replies, posted in News)

this was my first update using the patch and it worked great, cept for the install.php file wink and the profile.php and viewtopic.php witch have been modded. but other than that worked like a charm. big_smile


(92 replies, posted in General discussion)

buzzkill, you got a duel monitor??


(12 replies, posted in Feature requests)

i would rather not have the PM in the new releases, on my site i think that most users wouldnt use the pm properly, sending pointless/hard/rude message to each other, if you do have it in, give the admin a option to allow users to use it.

the ip only shows for mods and admin. i checked it on my site.

right above the include config add
and it should work

i am workin on updating the code to get it to fit in pun 1.2

the update is done, i just did a little updating of the code so it fits with the pun 1.2 layout and stuff

XuMix if youd like to take this and add this to punres that would be great