Hi guys,

I've successfully integrated PulPoll to v1.2.13 of PunBB, but have found out that it does not treat RTL correctly,
Please see screen shot: http://img245.imageshack.us/img245/4310 … rtlwc0.jpg

The poll's options are aligned to the left, instead of switching positions with the radius buttons, or just be aligned to the right, next to the radius buttons.

How can I mod it so it will display correctly for RTL users?
Thank you!

BTW guys, about the private messages mod... It's not being integrated too well in a user profile page as well, see screen shot: http://img149.imageshack.us/img149/2711/noroomvu3.jpg
It makes the email line go one down... sad

http://www.punres.org/desc.php?pid=56, http://www.punres.org/desc.php?pid=60  - does not work with v1.2.13 of PunBB according to install_mod.php

I  think I posted this in the wrong forum...
Made a dup. in punres....

Excuse the newbie-sm... smile

1. How can I add a Preview button to the Quick Reply box, which will lead me to the Reply window, but with the text I wrote in Quick Reply?
Sometimes posts suddenly become longer and more complex and one would like to see the outcome thus far... DONE

2. After visiting a thread, the icon remains as "unread", anyway to correctly set it to "read" after visiting a thread?

3. Going back to the Quick Reply box, a button that will pop a list with available smilies for rapid usage (click&add-to-reply)?

4. Private messaging...

I'm using Private_Message_Mod-1.2.2 with PunBB in RTL and it looks like this: http://img137.imageshack.us/img137/6273/pmbe9.jpg
Does it look like this the same to you guys in LTR mode? smile

Any hunches about what is going on there?

5. PunPoll for v1.2.13 is extremely needed. wink --- DONE

6. I can't seem to get the time correctly... It's really off! --- DONE

7. What do I need to mod in order to give mods/admins different color in the users list? --- DONE

8. Add [list], [align], [s] to Easy_BBCode_1.0.1 --- DONE accept for [list]

9. Ability as an admin to send an email to all members / members of a certain user group?

10. Manually activate newly registered users? DONE not quite, but it's fine.

Thank you very much for any response! (except the mean ones!) smile

Using PunBB v1.2.13-the-best-BB-system-in-a-long-time!


(109 replies, posted in General discussion)

Uhm, sorry for the newb question, but due to the introduction of this new extensions feature (no more messing with .php files), does this mean that any modifications I'm currently doing to my 1.2.13 install will not be useable in 1.3? gah. smile

Well I can't switch my display to LTR just for the admin pages, if I'm switching, I'm switching my entire forum display...

Everything is onverted to RTL, but the admins options are still in English, just RTLed.
I have not noticed any translation files for admin pages, BTW...

It's possible the lables are just wrong...
Where do I manually edit this?

off-topic, anyone know if punBB dislike Opera?
See screen shot: http://img63.imageshack.us/img63/3315/operabbev0.jpg

Hi there,

I have just installed v1.2.13 of this wonferful BB system with the Hebrew language support and it seems that in the administrative options, No means Yes and Yes means No... smile

For example, if I set maintainence mode on No, it tells me it is now ON.
If I set it to Yes, it tells me it is now OFF.

The same for showing the rules and I presume that many other options...
I there something I didn't do right, or something I need to tweak?

Otherwise this is a serious problem that will not allow me to use this system properlly...

Thank you!