Excuse the newbie-sm...
1. How can I add a Preview button to the Quick Reply box, which will lead me to the Reply window, but with the text I wrote in Quick Reply?
Sometimes posts suddenly become longer and more complex and one would like to see the outcome thus far... DONE
2. After visiting a thread, the icon remains as "unread", anyway to correctly set it to "read" after visiting a thread?
3. Going back to the Quick Reply box, a button that will pop a list with available smilies for rapid usage (click&add-to-reply)?
4. Private messaging...
I'm using Private_Message_Mod-1.2.2 with PunBB in RTL and it looks like this: http://img137.imageshack.us/img137/6273/pmbe9.jpg
Does it look like this the same to you guys in LTR mode?
Any hunches about what is going on there?
5. PunPoll for v1.2.13 is extremely needed. --- DONE
6. I can't seem to get the time correctly... It's really off! --- DONE
7. What do I need to mod in order to give mods/admins different color in the users list? --- DONE
8. Add [list], [align], [s] to Easy_BBCode_1.0.1 --- DONE accept for [list]
9. Ability as an admin to send an email to all members / members of a certain user group?
10. Manually activate newly registered users? DONE not quite, but it's fine.
Thank you very much for any response! (except the mean ones!)
Using PunBB v1.2.13-the-best-BB-system-in-a-long-time!