When a click on /forums/login.php?action=out&id=2 of index of my site Or different form i have a message :
Unable to confirm security token
How desactive "confirm action" Unable to confirm security token ?
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PunBB Forums → Posts by N3twork2
When a click on /forums/login.php?action=out&id=2 of index of my site Or different form i have a message :
Unable to confirm security token
How desactive "confirm action" Unable to confirm security token ?
Thank !
In my old website (Punbb 1.2) i used :
But for Punbb 1.3 what is equivalent ?
Je le cherche également
Au dernière nouvelle c''est a 49%.
Bien ton site j'ai également un site sur la musique electro c'est toujours marrant de se retrouver sur des forums étranger
When i put include of extern i have this problem :
Notice: Undefined index: Guests online in /homepages/21/d1xxxxx/htdocs/test/forums/extern.php on line 499
: 1
Notice: Undefined index: Users online in /homepages/21/d18xxxxx/htdocs/test/forums/extern.php on line 502
: admin
i think there is a mistake in the language file. ?
i find the fonction who disturbe
i remove this fonction of essentials.php and my site run ...
what is this fonction ? if i remove it of essentials.php what is the effect ?
I have installed punbb 1.3
When i put url writing on the admin panel of punbb my url rewriting of my site don't work.
http://www.mysite.com/test2.html BUG when url rewriting of forum is activated.
Could you tell me why this bug ?
There is a bug on extern.php
View online bug.
what i do ?
I installed "mod ajax chat 1.2" however this uses query SQL and I want to store messages in a file text or other date file... somebody know it a MOD with a file text integrat in Punbb or then modify mod ajax chat 1.2?
My web site : http://www.elektrozone.org/
Yes i ask how to have multiple forums share the same users table.
My english is very (tout beaucoup) bad. ^^
I would like to know how to make several forums the architecture of which is as this:
.. / folderforum1
.. / folderforum2
And to connect all the forums with the same users SQL?
Thank you very much
PunBB Forums → Posts by N3twork2
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