a question regarding the bbcode [img]:
Is it possible to have something like.

<a href="http://www.yourside.com"><img src="http://www.yourside.com/images/photo01.jpg" width="XXX" height="YYY" alt="Photo01" title=""></a>

Release 1.0.1 and 1.2.14
I got this message

An error was encountered
File: /.../plugins/AP_AdminLogs.php
Line: 99

PunBB reported: Unable to prune log info

Database reported: Table 'db152284639.ger_logs' doesn't exist (Errno: 1146)

related to this line of code:

$result = $db->query('DELETE FROM '.$db->prefix.'logs WHERE time<'.(time() - (LOG_PRUNE * 86400))) or error('Unable to prune log info', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error());

could somebody help ?

I got the solution, it was my fault I had forgotten to run the install_mod. Every day I donot use my brain is a lost day.

Thanks for reading this

Hi I had the same error in the beginning,
I have now the AP_newsletter.php in the same folder and it works now.

http://www.galopp-sport.eu/forumgalopp/newsletter.jpg produces

I have an other fault:
If I will open a forum following message oped up:

An error was encountered
Error: Unable to fetch sub forum info.

in Viewforum.php line 83

$subforum_result = $db->query('SELECT forum_desc, forum_name, id, last_post, last_post_id, last_poster, moderators, num_posts, num_topics, redirect_url FROM '.$db->prefix.'forums WHERE (parent_forum_id='.$id.' ORDER BY disp_position, id', true) or error('Unable to fetch sub forum info',__FILE__,__LINE__,$db->error());

is responsible for his

it still doesnot work.

I go to the
adminstration area
will edit a forum
and get
this message:

Bad request. The link you followed is incorrect or outdated.

What could I do to run the subforum mod.
I'm using 1.2.14
and subforum 1.0.4
I had checked all settins now twice.

All other forums functions are working,
only the edit function

there should be something wrong in the admin_forums.mod but I'm block to see it.
Could somebody give advice ?

I could not see anything in progress, what shall I do ?

Perfect tool thanks

It works with 1.2.14.
Is ther any statistic possible, like how got invitations and possible response ?

could somebody tell me how to change the font size at the monthy overview. The Events are to big I need a size 6 pt or so

I have the same like JonathonDM The categories are now links, nothing else.

Sorry I have found my mistake, the Profile.php wasnot correctly uploaded.

I have found the answer already there:


I havent seen a notice that the calendar doesnot work with the actually release. I get this message:

You are running a version of PunBB (1.2.14) that this mod does not support. This mod supports PunBB versions: 1.2, 1.2.1, 1.2.2, 1.2.3, 1.2.4, 1.2.5, 1.2.6, 1.2.10

What could I do to get the calendar running ?