How can I limit the search to the sticky topics ?
I would like to add a function
$action == 'show_sticky'


Hello; how can I do to add the topic status in the search results ?
So the user can see if it's sticky, etc...

Hello, i'm working on a news mod.
Actually, i've add a checkbox in the search page to ask if the user want to search everywhere or in the news only.

<label class="conl"><?php echo $lang_search['Search news'] ?><br />
<input name="isnews" type="checkbox" value="1"><br /></label>

For the news, i added a news field in the punBB_topics table; and the value can be 0 (if it's not a news) or 1.

So i would like to modify the queries in search.php to set this condition :

if ($isnews == "1") {
>>>>> add condition to the query : WHERE news = '1'

what have i to modify in search.php to set this condition ?

Thanks a lot !


(3 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Im searching exactly for something like that.
Has anyone found something ??

Hello !
I've migrated from phpBB to punBB (applauss !!!), everything worked fine but one feature is missing to me :

With phpBB, I had installed a mod that allowed to mark a post as news before sending it.

I speak french so it's a little difficult to explain, but; you had a panel in the admin where you can add news categories.
So for example :
--1-- fresh content
--2-- humor
--3-- computers
everything you want.

After; in the board; when you where writing a post; you had a rollbox called "is it a news?" from where you can choose one of the categories defined before.

In the sql-base; there were an extra field "news" for the post table; which had for value "0" (not a news) or any number corresponding to your categories.
It was very useful and I would like to find something similar.
I saw there was a "news generator" plugin, but I don't like the idea of having all your news in the same forum.
I want to post my news in the good one; or it will be confusing for users.

Can you help me ?
Hope it was not to hard to read...
Thanks !

Can I see a demo somewhere ?
Thanks !