Yes it works ! thank you very much !

I don't understand sad:(:(:(:(

I have put just after pun_desc this :

include 'affichagetest.php';

i don't have any error but it doesn't display the information

how can I do that exactly ? please

Yes but i cant find Where can I put my PHP code. I would, like to put it is the same line that "forum" with the grey background.... sad

please, i need help !

Hello everybody, first, I wanted to apologize if my english is not so good, because I'm a french guy.

Well, My forum is and I would like to put an information in the same line the word "forum" is (with the grey backround). I want to put it on the right site.

the code I would like to put is


$requete = "SELECT * FROM daterepete WHERE id=1";
$result = mysql_query ($requete,$db);
$daterepete =mysql_fetch_object($result);

 echo ("$daterepete->joursemaine");
echo (" $daterepete->numerojour" );
 echo (" $daterepete->mois" );

The problem is I don't know where to put it !

it would be grateful If you could help me.

thank you very much