(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

It works smile But when you have a topic than have more than 1 pages, if you click the main page to show the newest post, hte whole thing will show you the last page of the topic. Any idea to fiy it? I'm tired tonite to look into it. smile

Thank you smile. You can delet this topic I guess smile

I don't really know if this already came up. Is it possible to somehow make the whole thing to turn around? What I mean is now the newest post appeares on the last page in the last position. So it would be good (atleast for me) to have the newest post on the firts page and the oldest on the last page lat position.

I was wondering if it is possible to write an e-mail server smile

Thank you. It was wise to give you both e-mails. Hotmail is on the edge again smile I didn't received the mail there. smile

Doest the v1.0.3 works with the 1.1.1 PunBB?


(7 replies, posted in General discussion)

Yep your base URL is just like that.

Well. I started to learn some PHP by finding some pages that have tutorials. I didn't used any books. So I don't know what book is a good book. Maybe the others can help you with that.

Okay. taht works to smile starfish_aka@hotmail.com. but just be sure I will get it starfish@vipmail.hu. Thank you Marc


(7 replies, posted in General discussion)

It is pretty simple to put on a website and run it. You just need a privder with PHP and MySQL. In MySQL with phpMyadmin (if the provider provide it) you can create databases, tables in the database. The other thing ou need is your base URL what is not too hard to figure. Follow the instuctions in the readme file and there will be no problem to use it.

Same here. I can download the picture, but the mod is missing smile Maybe someone can send it to me please? smile