Does PUN_DISABLE_BUFFERING have to be set to 1 for some reason?

I've integrated punbb 1.2.14 with the overall page layout and noticed that admin_maintenance.php breaks the layout because of PUN_DISABLE_BUFFERING set to 1. Is this setting critical for the maintenance page?

The problem wasn't logging in/out, but deleting the user from the online table.
But I think I have that sorted out now.

I'm integrating punBB with a site and part of the integration is logging out the user of the forum as well of the entire site.
I call $db->query(); to delete the user from the online table, and the call returns 1, assuming true.
But the user never gets deleted from the table. Also last time visited is not updated as it should be.

If I use forum links and functionality everything works ok.

Is there a login/out abstraction somewhere for this to work as it should?

Thanks, Gizzmo.

I looked everywhere in the code but didn't notice that the message is displayed in the options right under maintenance on/off option.


I'm bothered by forward slash before the word 'Administrator' in the message:

The forums are temporarily down for maintenance. Please try again in a few minutes.

I found two occurrences of this message and deleted the slash in one of them, the other didn't have one.
I removed cache_config.php from cache directory, but the slash still appears after refresh.

Where is it coming from?

Thanks for the answers, and a huge thanks to all the developers for this great app! Keep up the good work smile

Paul wrote:

There is an option to turn fancy url's on and off in the admin console. The default is off.

Hi, I've installed 1.2.14 and can't find that option. Should it be under "Options"?