(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Overall it looks nice.  I like the color scheme.  One thing I don't like is the header.  The grey text on that header is impossible to read.  I don't really like the header image anyway, maybe a bit too busy IMO.

Oh, and I forgot to check if it validated with w3c... I spent some time last night getting rid of over 40 errors.  Still looks pretty much the same, but at least now I can say it validates.  wink

http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http: … ement.com/

Does anyone have a problem with the text?  Too much text? 

Too many different styles of text (serif, sans-serif, caps, lowercase, bold, italic...)?  Some other people were telling me to simplify the text a bit, but I thought the different styles helped to differentiate between the different elements of the page...

EDIT:  I've made majority of the text sans-serif instead of serif.  That should improve the readability a bit.

Thanks for the feedback...

sirena,  is it possible that you don't have javascript enabled in IE?  I have a javascript on every page that fixes PNGs in IE.  I've tested it on IE6 (XP SP2), and seems to be fine.  Even when you change the BG color with my style picker, the PNGs look fine on the new background.  That's very strange that it doesn't work for you.

I've completely unified my website, with punBB and WordPress running together.  I feel pretty strongly about my sites having a unified / simple feel.  As opposed to my punBB install looking different from my WordPress install, both looking different from my Dreamweaver HTML pages.

I've actually set up a template in Dreamweaver, so that when I change and save the template, it changes the main.tpl template for punBB and the index.php template for WordPress.  So I can make a change to the layout once, and it affects every page on my site.  I love it.

Most recently, I've eliminated punBB's style chooser in favor of a site-wide style picker at the bottom of every page. (currently I have two styles, I can always add more)...  The only downside is that the preference is saved with a cookie (local) rather than in the database (server), but I'm not concerned about it now.

I learned a lot of CSS in the process.  And I've fallen in love with CSSEdit 2.0, I wouldn't have had the time to do all of this without it.  CSSEdit is neat because you can override an online stylesheet with a local one on your harddrive, to preview and find problems live before you upload.

I'd appreciate if you'd take a look and tell me what you think, or if you find any major problems (*cough* IE *cough*):