(119 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

I agree with others, ppl should not have to rename files or place files outside extensions folder, anyways very nice work.

After you logout from site via logout button on the top of the page, it redirects to forum.php, wouldnt it be better to redirect to the main page instead? Just thinking...

punbb 1.3 is great, extensions are sooooooo nice and easy to use big_smile tongue

When enabled, the board will only be available to administrators. This should be used if the board needs to taken down temporarily for maintenance. WARNING! Do not log out when the board is in maintenance mode. You will not be able to login again.

Download install package http://punbb.org/download/punbb-1.2.14.zip
unzip it, and use extras/turn_off_maintenance_mode.php to disable maintenance mode and log in smile

Connorhd wrote:

I wouldn't worry too much, I'll make sure there is either a miniportal guide for 1.3 or possibly a miniportal extension smile

That new extension system rocks, hope you'll make extension, could be very useful.. smile

Connorhd wrote:

Yeh, there will be a beta or RC or dev version of 1.3 released before the final version, as well as extensions written by the dev team.

That's great! Thanks for the fast reply Connorhd big_smile

..I tested SVN version and used db_update.php, it was working great and no problems at all, keep up good work! smile smile smile

Has anyone tried to fit new, upcoming punbb 1.3 (svn) and miniportal guide (on wiki..) work together, i think guide needs little editing and of course, 1.3 have new CSS and colors, just wanted to know if anyone is already done somekinda guide for that.. when 1.3 comes out (hope it comes out soon, but let's wait till its ready..) i want to start using it, and miniportal with it..

second question, just for developers and ppl who know about this, does developers info about last releases b4 final release, like RC or something to tell mod developers to start upgrading their modifications to work with 1.3, just to be sure that most used mods are ready to work with 1.3 when it comes out smile

Hi! I tested Richards news generator and noticed that when i write news and watch the generated html page, smilies wont work "The requested URL /PunBB/plugins/AP_News_Generator/img/smilies/smile.png was not found on this server." So it looks like PunBB links smileys wrong. Is this already fixed on 1.3 dev release ? smile

Janne Tanskanen

EDIT: Looks like there's also "Bug reports" area, so if mods want, just move this thread smile


(10 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Connorhd wrote:

PunBB 1.3 will have an extension system to make installing mods easier. This will mean the major mods can be installed by simply uploading files and clicking install, no file editing is needed.

that's sound very very nice, and if PM mod will be updated fast for 1.3 release, that's very good too..

is there schedule for 1.3 release yet?


Connorhd wrote:

the first rule of punbb club is you do not ask when the next version will be released.
the second rule of punbb club is you do not ask when the next version will be released.
the third rule of punbb club is you DO NOT ask when the next version will be released.


hehe, ok smile


(95 replies, posted in News)

Thanks! PunBB.. this is great forum software, moved smf -> PunBB last night smile