I have only viewed this on a Mac with Safari, Firefox and Camino. Can I get some reports from IE various versions, please? Ta.
27 2006-12-21 05:13
Re: Thanks for PUNBB (7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
I'll be sure to. I am going to have to get some input on bit and pieces that I'm not sure about. Thanks for the comments.
28 2006-12-21 00:49
Topic: Thanks for PUNBB (7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
I didn't search for this first
Thanks to the PunBB team for a great product. I have been through many forum packages, and spent way too many hours evaluating and going halfway or three quarter way to finish before realising that it was not for me. The package has been easy to theme and alter. It's much more preferable to add to a solution than to laboriously snip off bits that you don't want. So thanks again for your brilliance of concept, the hard work and the fine product.
I am launching the website over the weekend, but here's the pre-live (and incomplete) version: http://www.riverstonelounge.co.nz/forums
My hacking at the board with a blunt machete, I'm sure is wrong in many places, but that's for another thread.
29 2006-12-14 09:22
Re: News Generator documentation? (2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
Never mind. It was just after lunch and a bit too much Pinot Noir.
It's a plugin. Drop into your plugins folder, navigate to your board's admin section, click plugins and you'll see News Generator there.
You'll need to edit the source file "AP_News_Generator.php" to set it to your forum ID that you want to generate the News from. A file called "news.html" will appear in the "AP_News_Generator" folder which you can then include in any php file that you create. Viola. Nice one.
30 2006-12-14 02:53
Topic: News Generator documentation? (2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
Finally done with my board itself. Now I want to progress the development to other parts of my site. Does the News Generator mod have some documentation - I looked hard, but decided to ask in spite of the likelihood of looking really dumb. I'm looking for the installation guideline, where to put it, how to use the code within existing pages outside the forum etc.
Thanks in advance.