Sorry, next time I'll use search. Thanks for the replies anyway.
26 2006-12-26 10:28
Re: Remote avatars? (7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
27 2006-12-26 10:22
Re: Problem CSS RTL in Opera (11 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
So what is it? A bug in Opera, or a bug in CSS? Does anybody have a good solution to this problem (fixing the css errors in Opera)?
28 2006-12-26 10:18
Re: 2 features, 1st a must, the 2nd not so much, but wanted (8 replies, posted in Feature requests)
Dan_y2k wrote:Connorhd wrote:2. Admin does have language files in 1.3 so no point in adding this feature.
So, How will I be able to make the ACP of the current version (1.2.14) LTR'ed? I really think that it'll be difficult to Hebrew users that the ACP will be RTL'ed in English...
Please offer me a solution... Thanks!
Try editing include/template/admin.tpl, replacing <pun_head> with what would normally be put in its place, except with the stylesheet of your choice and a static title. The style I made for my forum totally gimped my admin section so I had to force a different stylesheet as well.
Well, that kinda solved the problem. Thanks alot!
29 2006-12-25 22:30
Topic: Opera problem (1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
My friend is using Opera, and he visited my PunBBHeb support site, and he got this CSS problem (image below):
For the original size of the image, click here.
How can this problem be fixed? Thanks to all the helpers, I appreciate this!
30 2006-12-25 22:14
Re: 2 features, 1st a must, the 2nd not so much, but wanted (8 replies, posted in Feature requests)
2. Admin does have language files in 1.3 so no point in adding this feature.
So, How will I be able to make the ACP of the current version (1.2.14) LTR'ed? I really think that it'll be difficult to Hebrew users that the ACP will be RTL'ed in English...
Please offer me a solution... Thanks!
31 2006-12-25 21:13
Re: Remote avatars? (7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
Well, so, where can I disable the avatar upload feature?
32 2006-12-25 21:03
Re: Remote avatars? (7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
I don't think it should be a modification.
33 2006-12-25 19:54
Topic: Remote avatars? (7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
I know it can be a vulnerability, but it's better for those who don't have so much space on their hosting account.
34 2006-12-25 19:18
Topic: 2 features, 1st a must, the 2nd not so much, but wanted (8 replies, posted in Feature requests)
1: Makes ALL links in post, signatures, topics etc, to be opened in a separate windows.
2: Choose an admin skin (so an admin will be able to choose another skin to the ACP). I need this because I want to release PunBBHeb with the admin skin in LTR (since it's not translated).
Can anyone please point me out how can I set the language into Hebrew, but the ACP will still be in English (LTR)?
I use this mod:
I only want to have the ACP (only the ACP) LTR'ed.
Thanks for the replies.
35 2006-12-24 19:16
Topic: About PunBBHeb (2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
I'm currently translating PunBB into Hebrew.
I know that alot of people did that, but if I recall right, I was the first one (I translated 1.0.1).
I'm hoping to get the translation done in a few days, and in the mean time I opened up a support community (to Israeli users only) @
Can Rickard please make a forum link (in International discussions) to PunBBHeb? That'll be great - thanks in advanced!
37 2006-12-24 18:53
Re: 2 things. (12 replies, posted in Feature requests)
Dan_y2k wrote:Extension? I think this should be a built-in feature within PunBB... But if you have to do it as extension, that'll be fine too.
The only issue I have with it as a feature is that PunBB by default would never make use of it. PunBB comes with English and most languages are LTR. For the number of people who would use RTL stylesheets, there are far more who would never take advantage of the feature.
Plus, extensions are going to be one-click installs: I don't think that's too bad
Well, fine...
But I want that the whole extension will be updated every time that PunBB will be updated (new releases).
Can you do that? Thanks!
38 2006-12-24 14:06
Re: 2 things. (12 replies, posted in Feature requests)
Extension? I think this should be a built-in feature within PunBB... But if you have to do it as extension, that'll be fine too.
39 2006-12-24 13:00
Re: MOD: PunBB1.2 Right To Left CSS files (24 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
A very good mod! Keep up updating it! Thanks alot!
40 2006-12-24 12:58
Re: 2 things. (12 replies, posted in Feature requests)
Found it!
Well, I don't have any options, so, what I'm going to do is, release PunBBHeb with this mod.
If the PunBB team can use this mod, and put it in the original release of PunBB, so that PunBB will fully support both RTL and LTR directions, that'll be great!
It'll save me a lot of effort!
41 2006-12-24 12:39
Re: 2 things. (12 replies, posted in Feature requests)
Ok, so for now at least, how can I set that the Admin CP will be LTR'd, and set the Right and Left aligns through the Language files?
And how can I fix the template? It's messed up here:
(note that the post subject is also far away to the left...)
Please help me fix the skin.
42 2006-12-24 11:38
Re: 2 things. (12 replies, posted in Feature requests)
Also, can you please set:
lang[$right] = right
lang[$left] = left
So if I want it aligned correctly into Hebrew, I can set it into Hebrew align, and I need it to also effect on CSS.
Is this can be done?
43 2006-12-24 11:24
Topic: 2 things. (12 replies, posted in Feature requests)
I'm running PunBB 1.2.14, and I noticed that in the end of the installation, there's a tag missing: ?>
Where it says to upload config file, it forgot to use the tag.
$db_type = 'mysql';
$db_host = 'localhost';
$db_name = '';
$db_username = '';
$db_password = '';
$db_prefix = '';
$p_connect = false;
$cookie_name = 'punbb_cookie';
$cookie_domain = '';
$cookie_path = '/';
$cookie_secure = 0;
$cookie_seed = '';
define('PUN', 1);
Here there should be a ?>. Please fix this.
And one more thing. I'm translating PunBB into Hebrew (I've done it before), and I want to know: Where are the admin skin files? I wish that the Admin CP will remain LTR, since it doesn't have any language files.
Where can I do that? Or PunBB team can make it in the next version (Admin CP is LTR by default, and can't be changed through the Language files)?
Thanks for the reply!