So the other day I went to go rename the title and subtitle of my forum,
which is something we do alot on my forum. We keep it silly.
However, when I went into administration>options, all the entry fields
were empty. Everything. So I tried going back on the browser, as I
didn't want to fuck anything up. Then I saw that the title of the forum
wasn't there, and that I couldn't even access categories or thread links.
So I went into administration>options again, and tried entering some
of the information. I didn't understand or know what to put in most of it,
so I did what I could, and tried to click save. Low and behold, it said
I need to fill out every field in order to save anything. So the only solution
I could see was reinstalling the forums. I really don't want to do that though,
as alot of long and in-depth topics would be lost, alot of art, and also some
sites link to some of the threads on my website directly.
Is there a way to salvage this problem? Maybe backup the post database?
If that's a possibility, how do I do it? Also, somone on my forum asked if it
was possible to backup the posts and have them moved onto different forum
software. Is that possible? I really don't want to do that, but I'm not that
script savvy at all and lacking in-forum messaging can be annoying, along
with some other options.