After wrestling with three different image programs and getting nowhere, I realised that I could just drop the image straight into the html...

The box containing " Forums - Unfortunately no one can be told what PunBB is - you have to see it for yourself." I am really not bothered about, that can stay or go.

The bottom box I want gone...the copyright notice I can put in the page footer next to the existing link and copyright thing, hopefully it will be possible to move the links from the same block into the "Main Menu" section, I know I can definitely move two of them, if I have to get rid of the dynamically created ones then it's no big deal.

Hopefully this explains it better than my poor use of adjectives! lol!

Hi asadar,

Hold off on that mate, I don't want the punbb menu as the tabs...

I'll try and get some kind of mock up done because I can't be explaining myself very well at all and I'd prefer not to waste peoples time with misinformation.

I'll post back when I have managed to get something passable together.

That is the kind of effect that I want to acheive quaker only within the theme andreas09 and with all the punbb formatting preserved.

I suppose the simplest way to describe it is this:-

Take punbb styled with the Sulpher theme
Drop it into the contentalt div of andreas09 2 column layout
Preserve punBB styling inside the contentalt div.

I don't know how to explain it better than that.

The contentalt div will stretch to fit any of the content applied to it. I wish I could photoshop it but I am useless with image editing.

The way I look at andreas09 is that it is a frame around the contentalt div, in the same way a photoframe works. The content or picture slots into contentalt. I'm trying to slot punbb into that frame and retain the punbb formatting.

No, it's the punbb menus which are becoming link lists.

The andreas theme remains fully intact but when taking the basic no content andreas09 theme and dropping the forum into the contentalt div (together with placing the header in the correct place) it completely obliterates the Sulpher forum theme.

The top links in andreas09 are used to navigate between the different domains I have, it's my aim to have most of the forum navigation menus as links in the rightside div.

Does this explain it better?

Hi asardar,

Apologies for the delay in getting back to you, I was catching up on sleep missed while trying to figure this whole thing out. lol.

Dr Jeckyl has provided the correct link.

What I have been trying to achieve is basically taking pubb with the sulpher style applied to it and dropping it into the main content area of the 2 column layout ( div="contentalt" ).

I am able to drop the forum in successfully and to extract forum links for the sidebar on the right, also to move the copyright info into the footer of the page, but all the styling of "Sulpher" is completely stripped to the point where even the links along the top (navigation links) become nothing more than a linklist.

The website that it will be going on is, the front page, at the moment I have just a pMachine created page up there now telling people what's coming and begging for help basically! lol!


I have no idea whether or not this is the place to make requests or not, if it isn't then please accept my apologies.

For the last SEVEN hours I have been trying to integrate PunBB into Andreas Viklund's excellent theme, a task which proved simple enough for phpfaber, expression engine. pMachine Pro and minibb, but virtually impossible with punBB, to me anyway.

I have had HUGE difficulty in particular when trying to maintain the Sulpher style within the "contentalt" div of the 2 column layout, with colours and formatting being completely destroyed as soon as I enter either the horizontal menu css in the header or any of the footer section.

I have tried editing three different css files independently of each other, both in punBB and in andreas source, and am at the limit of my very limited css knowledge, I am at a complete loss to be honest, even after dredging Google.

With all of this in mind, I throw myself at the feet of the punBB community to BEG and PLEAD either someone to hold my hand through the process from beginning to end (I'm more than willing to learn more), or for a prepared port of andreas09 2 column layout, for punBB.

You have no idea how much I would appreciate ANY help you guys might be able to give me. As I said, I have successfully skinned minibb and can use that if this is too big of an ask but I would much rather have the added functionality of punBB for my websites forum software.

Even if you're not able to help, thanks for reading this and allowing me to express some frustration at my failings.