quaker wrote:

stupid question...
when u ran the install.php did every thing go ok . and next it tells you you need to put this in your comfing.php?

when u copy and pasted... make sure there is No spaces at the top.
line 1. <?php
so on.........

because i have a secure server like that.
$db_type = 'mysql';
$db_host = 'db519.perfora_xxxxxxxxx.xxx';

Everything Seems to have gone fine .I copied the config.php file  uploaded it now 
says  file 'config.php' already exists which would mean that PunBB is already installed. You should go here(highlighted) instead.
here (highlighted) takes me to    http://www.shakersottawa.com/forum/upload/index.php    where I get the  error 
Error: Unable to connect to MySQL server. MySQL reported: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'whsql-v06.prod.mesa1.secureserver.net' (10061).

Thanks ~thegleek
Sorry if you thought I was ignoring you  . I assure you i am grateful for people like yourself giving me any advice or suggestions that might help my situation.    I did searches on the net about internal ip  and accessing 10.0.9.x net and was still not sure how how to connect to my external  ip or where to find this information for that matter.

twohawks wrote:
strobes wrote:

I believe this is what you mean

Total: 1

Previously you wrote:
$db_name = 'DB_123851.dsn';
$db_username = 'strobes';

...check it.
The username is the one you log into your database with,
the db_name is 'strobes'

?eh, or no?

I changed that in my config.php file   Rickard stated that earlier    May be I ftp'd  the folders in the wrong order or something
I have them in the order of

and copying file is in the forum folder also.

here is where I am @currently
the line 58 error is gone now and it says

An error was encountered
Error: Unable to connect to MySQL server. MySQL reported: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'whsql-v06.prod.mesa1.secureserver.net' (10061).

the url http://www.shakersottawa.com/forum/upload/index.php

Or Maybe the Base Url is Wrong !           http://www.shakersottawa.com/forum/upload

Bound and Determined

twohawks wrote:

Have you looked at the database from within phpmyadmin and confirmed the name of your database?
When we set ours up I have to create it in mysql, which assigns the root username to the root of the database name, and then assigns the name of the database I have chosen, so it looks something like

The username is modified as well, so I get:

don't know if this makes sense, but going into phpmyadmin

dbhost is "localhost" on ours.

I didnh't double-check my post thoroughly yet, so I may have something not quite right, but maybe it will point in another helpful direction?

I believe this is what you mean

Total: 1

Bound and determined!

Smartys wrote:

I'd talk to your host and ask them smile

I just got off the phone with them and they said everything was setup on their end properly there is a problem on my end with a corrupt file on line 58 in the mysql.php

I open the php document in word pad and line 58 is not there    but 57 reads:             if (@mysql_select_db($db_name, $this->link_id))

Yeah this is the error that pops even after changing my config.php to the correct db_name (my user name)


An error occured on line 58 in file d:\hosting\strobizzle\forum\upload\include\dblayer\mysql.php.

PunBB reported: Unable to connect to MySQL server. MySQL reported: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'whsql-v06.prod.mesa1.secureserver.net' (10061)

I am not able to make punbb work and think it might be my db_host 


$db_type = 'mysql';
$db_host = 'whsql-v06.prod.mesa1.secureserver.net';     Is this correct
$db_name = 'DB_123851.dsn';
$db_username = 'strobes';
$db_password = '*******';
$db_prefix = '';
$p_connect = false;

$cookie_name = 'punbb_cookie';
$cookie_domain = '';
$cookie_path = '/';
$cookie_secure = 0;
$cookie_seed = '7e371079';

define('PUN', 1);?>

Thanks for Your Time in Advance It is greatly appreciated