(1 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Does anyone know if there is a plugin or modification for punBB that would allow you to have a 'Threaded Thread', by that I mean you can tell who replied to which post. A good example of what I asking about is on the Apple Discussion Forums...

http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jsp … dID=842669

I think this would be a superb addition to punBB if anyone fancies writing it.
Thanks in advance,

/ Hami

Thanks for the info Pedrotuga,

Unfortunately my PHP and SQL are no where near that level, I'm more a tinkerer than a coder. Do you think it would be possible to see your script, so I could try and modify it to do the job to migrate from DCForum?

Thanks in advance,

/ Hami

Thanks for the quick response, I'll give the third-party ago.
DCForum -> vBulletin -> punBB

/ Hami


I hoping someone here can help me, I'm helping a friend out who has a forum powered by DCForum and is looking to move to punBB as DCForum is no longer in active development. Does anyone know the best way to import data from DCForum into punBB?

The only forum software I can find that imports DCForum is vBulletin, and I would rather not go through a third-party to get to punBB. Any help would be appreciated.

thanks in advance,

/ Hami