Hello guys!

For those who are running this MOD please update as soon as you can. The latest update (June 17, 2007) will support Safari 3 (1.3.2 and 2.0 as well) and also add new "Insert Table" feature + fix some minor bugs. Below is what you need to do to get the update:
- Go back to my site http://ecardmax.com/ehelpmax/download.php to download HotEditor MOD zip file for punbb again.
- Unzip the zip file and use FTP to upload these files (and folder) below to your server (to replace the current files/folder)
+ [richedit]/[styles]/[office2007]/*.*
+ [richedit]/editor.js
+ [richedit]/keyboard.php
If you want to support Table, then use text editor to edit

#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------

#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------

$patterns[] = "#\[(sub|sup|strike|blockquote|b|i|u)\]#si";
$replacements[] = '<$1>';

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------

//Support Table here
$patterns[] = "#\[table\]#si";
$replacements[] = '<table align=center style="border-collapse: collapse;border-spacing: 0px;border: 1px solid #6CAFF7;background-color: #F4F4F4;width:98%;font-family:Verdana,Arial,Sans-Serif,Tahoma;font-size:12px;color: black;">';
$patterns[] = "#\[\/table\]#si";
$replacements[] = '</table>';
$patterns[] = "#\[td\]#si";
$replacements[] = '<td style="height:25px; border: 1px solid #6CAFF7">';
$patterns[] = "#\[\/td\]#si";
$replacements[] = '</td>';
$patterns[] = "#\[tr\]#si";
$replacements[] = '<tr>';
$patterns[] = "#\[\/tr\]#si";
$replacements[] = '</tr>';

That's all you need to do.

Preview this update here

Download Safari 3 for Windows XP & Vista here

Good luck.

quaker wrote:

any plans for a lighter version?


Can I ask why you need a lighter version? and what features you want to remove?

lie2815 wrote:

why does it say "bold" when you hover over the copy, cut and paste buttons...?

Oops!  Just fixed. Please re-download editor.js 


quaker wrote:

how do i take out the php wrap code and the html wrap code.. that just opens the door for hacking...
editor.js file where else do i need to remove that code from?

var capPHP ="Wrap [PHP][/PHP]";
var capHTML="Wrap [HTML][/HTML]";


You don't have to because the editor.js that comes with MOD zip file won't show HTML + PHP buttons. Check it out

Just in case if you want to add/remove Hoteditor buttons then edit file editor.js - look for code

var toolbar1 ="SPACE,btFont_Name,btFont_Size,btFont_Color,btHighlight,btRemove_Format...";
var toolbar2 ="SPACE,btDeleteAll,btIESpell,SPACE,btCut,btCopy,btPaste,SPACE,btUndo,btRedo,...";
var toolbar3 ="SPACE,btInsert_Image,btClipart,btWordArt,btEmotions,btUpload,SPACE,btFlash,btYouTube,btGoogle,btYahoo...";

If you want to remove [Font Name] button then delete keyword btFont_Name

Make sure you delete keyword btFont_Name in BBCode editor toolbar

var textarea_toolbar1 ="...";
var textarea_toolbar2 ="...";
var textarea_toolbar3 ="...";
quaker wrote:

what if you dont have viewtopic.php inside the include folder?

#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------


Sorry, shoud be changed to

#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------
quaker wrote:

very nice mod! is this a full version or trial version?

This is a full version MOD.

HotEditor has 4 toolbars. The 4th toolbar was disabled by default. This is a custom BBCode toolbar. Edit file editor.js to enable it, you can add your own BBCode buttons to this toolbar. Just follow the instruction inside editor.js


lie2815 wrote:

Also, how about integrating the design better into PunBB?

What do you mean?

But do you have a light version that loads faster? Or is it easy to custumize the interface?

There is no lighter version. The current version loads fast enough to me. You can edit file richedit/editor.js to add/remove HotEditor buttons.

please also release the mod at Punres

I will do it after no bug is found.

Attention: I have to disable 2 buttons Bullets + Numbering by default because the way PunBB .css styles control DIV LI, that makes Bullets & Numbering un-displayable. In order to enable Bullets + Numbering button you have to modify the original .css (style/*.css) which I haven't done yet.


Feb 09, 2007
This MOD works with PunBB 1.2.x. Our HotEditor is now working on all major browsers such as: IE - FireFox - NetScape - OPERA 9.x - Safari

## MOD Title: WYSIWYG - Rich Text Editor for posting HTML message
## MOD Author: eCardMAX.com < webmaster@ecardmax.com > (Jimbo Hong) http://ecardmax.com
## MOD Description: It's time to turn <textarea> into a powerful Rich Text HTML Editor. Don't force your
## users to learn another set of markup tags. With this MOD you can format your posts or Private
## message just like you would in MS. FrontPage! Our Rich Text Editor will work on all popular browsers
## such as: IE - FireFox - Netscape - Opera 9x
## MOD Version: 4.2
## Installation Level: Intermediate
## Installation Time: ~20 minutes


it's time to turn <textarea> into a powerful WYSIWYG Rich Text HTML Editor. Don't force your users to learn another set of markup tags. With this MOD you can format your posts just like you would in MS. FrontPage!

This HOTEDITOR will output BBCode instead of HTML Code like other version.

You can take a look at my Demo here

Download the MOD zip file here



I don't have chance to test Hoteditor on Konqueror, that's a reason I don't put Konqueror on the list to show WYSIWYG. If you have Konqueror browser, then visit this page http://www.ecardmax.com/hoteditor/index.php and tell me if it works.



Thanks for testing the MOD.

This Mod is Free, please visit my site to see demo and download zip file


that looks really cool. can users chose to have either the default editor or this when posting or must this be the default for users?

Yes, there is an option for user to select what kind of editor they want to use - see screenshot below

Have a great weekend.


Feb 09, 2007
This MOD works with PunBB 1.2.14. Our HotEditor is now working on all major browsers such as: IE - FireFox - NetScape and OPERA 9.x

## MOD Title: WYSIWYG - Rich Text Editor for posting HTML message
## MOD Author: eCardMAX.com < webmaster@ecardmax.com > (Jimbo Hong) http://ecardmax.com
## MOD Description: It's time to turn <textarea> into a powerful Rich Text HTML Editor. Don't force your
## users to learn another set of markup tags. With this MOD you can format your posts or Private
## message just like you would in MS. FrontPage! Our Rich Text Editor will work on all popular browsers
## such as: IE - FireFox - Netscape - Opera 9x
## MOD Version: 1.0
## Installation Level: Intermediate
## Installation Time: ~20 minutes


it's time to turn <textarea> into a powerful WYSIWYG Rich Text HTML Editor. Don't force your users to learn another set of markup tags. With this MOD you can format your posts just like you would in MS. FrontPage!

You can take a look at my Demo here

Download the MOD zip file here

Thank you and hope you guys will like it
