(73 replies, posted in General discussion)

Sorry Matt....very, very long day that just won't end. My stress level is up cause I am "on call" lol


(73 replies, posted in General discussion)

ok, but how do you overcome the issue with the download paths. Will it be placed in the admin area of does the suer have to add it themselves?

You lost me here:

btw, Mega Pun won't run happily on it.

on what?


(73 replies, posted in General discussion)

that would be awesome if you can add it for me Matt. Thank you very much.


(73 replies, posted in General discussion)

Oh hell yeah...about my sites being down. Well, it finally came back online after they changed a few pieces of hardware on the server, or so they say. I just know one thing. There is no such thing as a reliable host. big_smile


(73 replies, posted in General discussion)

I know. My host is down. So much for paying the extra for a VPS account. They had some hardware issues and no clue when it will be back up. I guess I am on the hunt for another web host....5 so far between Nov. and Dec.

Anyway, Let me zip up 4.00 for you and I will email it now.

Update: email sent


(73 replies, posted in General discussion)

I think it does actually. I know tinytim from soonotes.com designed the install exactly in the same way as punBB.


(73 replies, posted in General discussion)

Yeah, I've been over it so many times and had no luck. Only once it worked and I did nothing special to it. It is weird. I will have a go at it again. I was actually trying to add it to Mega Pun as the default download mod but it is no big deal. big_smile - I think I need a break from my PC. lol


(73 replies, posted in General discussion)

That shouldn't matter on a windows XP box. It should work.


(73 replies, posted in General discussion)

Well, I did get it to work. I then created 6 new directories, added files to them and not one showed up. That was weird because when I did an install of the mod (second time) it showed the 1 file that I uploaded. I will test it again and let you know. big_smile


(73 replies, posted in General discussion)

Well, that did work this time. I do however have a problem. I am testing this on my local site and I have added categories and I uploaded a test file. I know the file is there and it shows as (1) in the category but the file is not listed. Any ideas?


(73 replies, posted in General discussion)

I still get that error. I believe the problem may be in the following lines:

    $db->query('INSERT INTO '.$db_prefix."download_cats (cat_name, cat_desc, total_files, disp_position) VALUES('New Category', 'No description', 1, 0)") or error('Unable to insert into table '.$db_prefix.'download_cats. Please check your configuration and try again.');

    $db->query('INSERT INTO '.$db_prefix."downloads (download_name, download_id, download_desc, cat_id, download_count) VALUES('New Download', 0, 'No description', 1, 0)") or error('Unable to insert into table '.$db_prefix.'downloads. Please check your configuration and try again.');


(73 replies, posted in General discussion)

I did..doesn't' work


(73 replies, posted in General discussion)

Well Matt, I've tried and tried to run the dbupdate script and I can't get it to work. I don't know how it works for you but not for me. I finally managed to change this area:

// Circumvent maintenance mode
define('PUN_TURN_OFF_MAINT', 1);
define('PUN_ROOT', './');
require $pun_root.'include/common.php';

// We want the complete error message if the script fails
if (!defined('PUN_DEBUG'))
    define('PUN_DEBUG', 1);

Yours for some reason didn't work, but at least this takes me to the actual screen when I can click on install. When I do click on install I get the following:

An error was encountered

PunBB reported: Unable to insert into table pundownload_cats. Please check your configuration and try again.


(73 replies, posted in General discussion)

ok, I look forward to them.

Thanks Matt big_smile


(73 replies, posted in General discussion)

Yes, it definitely meets my approval. big_smile

As for the download mod. I copied all the files to the required folders but I never found out what to run in phpmyadmin to create the tables. Can you tell me? I am sure that's all I need to do.


(73 replies, posted in General discussion)

ok, cool. I actually don't need the captcha folder because I am already using it for the registration and the files reside in the root. Anyway, I also had to change the link forum.php to index.php for the "back to index link". Other than that, it works great!



(73 replies, posted in General discussion)

never mind. I am an idiot. I forgot that it is only present if I am a guest.


(73 replies, posted in General discussion)

Hey Matt,

I don't see the captcha image on my version of the email script. It should work on my local machine because I also use it for the registration form.


(73 replies, posted in General discussion)

If I remember correctly it was the db table, but in general I was lost.


(73 replies, posted in General discussion)

Thanks Matt.

btw: I still never got that download mod to work. The one you coded. I don't have any realy mysql or php experience so I got lost after trying it 3 times today. Will you eventually make an install script for it?



(73 replies, posted in General discussion)

The stylesheets for now. Unless you're finished with the email script, that would be great also.



(73 replies, posted in General discussion)

That would be cool if you can send it to me Matt.

Thanks big_smile


(73 replies, posted in General discussion)

Well, I have learned that there is no such thing as a 'five minute job' big_smile. I usually obsess by myself with whatever it is and 5 minutes turns into 5 days or more. Anyway, I hope to see it released soon so I can add it to Mega Pun 4.00

btw: Is that theme on your forum designed specifically for you or is it available somewhere?



(73 replies, posted in General discussion)

Your account was approved. I just started manual activation to try and avoid certain people. big_smile Anyway, that looks much better now. I like it.:D


(73 replies, posted in General discussion)

It works great. I just assumed that it would be there like most email  forwarders. By that I mean most of the info would be there when I clicked on the email to friend button, which in my opinion may be be a better idea. I think if people clicked on it as it is now, they may think the same that it is not working or that they have to type all of the info in there. It should be something like:


just a suggestion big_smile