@soonotes - Yes, but I have no clue how to submit it to that site. I must be blind becuase I don't see any links on the site to submit.

That is the forum notes mod that I modified. It can be found via this link.


As for the Mega Pun name. Credit goes to tinytim from soonotes.com big_smile

Try setting your right/left block widths to 150px. You can open your include/template/main.tpl file and make the adjustments in there. You can also do as I have done. In my case I had this in the main.tpl file:

#main {/* Removed from main.tpl */  
    display: block; 
    overflow: hidden; 
    width: auto !important; width: 625px; /* IE6 Fix */ 
    padding-left: 5px; 
    padding-right: 5px; 
    margin-left: 1px; 
    margin-right: 1px;

I've removed it and added it to each of my theme's stylesheets. The reason I did this is because of IE6 and the fact that I use quite a few themes and I have to set the width for each one depending on the theme's overall width. Anyway, try the above first and let me know if that works for you. If that fails, you can also adjust the width of your center block as well.


pogenwurst wrote:

bingiman: The style on your site is awesome! However, please take a look at this little error:

http://img300.imageshack.us/img300/7834 … uh6.th.png

Fx 2.x on Ubuntu Linux 7.04

You can check it out now. I think I have sorted it out with a few minor adjustments in the all the theme stylesheets. Thanks for letting me know about it. big_smile

pogenwurst wrote:

bingiman: The style on your site is awesome! However, please take a look at this little error:

http://img300.imageshack.us/img300/7834 … uh6.th.png

Fx 2.x on Ubuntu Linux 7.04

I tried it in IE6, 7 and FF and I don't see this problem but I know it is obviously there because you saw it. I just can't get it right. If I change it for one browser, then it looks like crap in another and vice versa. So far I am aware of 2 issues now. I was told that the "Read More" button looks weird in IE6 and now this. I will have to see if I can sort these issues out before I release this....arghhh....back to the drawing board. sad

@sirena - I've added the Sub Forums to the list. You will see it and a list of all the mods/plugins during installations.

Thanks guys for all the help. I got it all sorted out now. tinytim from soonotes.com has done the install script and I am still in the process of testing it all out. I have made a few minor additions to it. What you ask? I added the latest theme called Maxitron to the package. I've also included PSD's for the themes and a few other little things here and there. If all goes well tonight I will release it tomorrow morning on my site. I'll also post a message here as well. big_smile

Bingiman a.k.a Shedrock

I agree, but that could be removed by anyone.

nope..seems no one is interested. I really thought someone would have jumped for the challenge but I was obviously wrong.  sad



(11 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

@Endre - Any news on this?



(8 replies, posted in General discussion)

oh man...you're awesome. That worked great. Thank you so much. smile



(8 replies, posted in General discussion)

Well it does work. but what I was trying to do was this. Here are all the other buttons in the bbcode file:

<input class="button" type="image" onmouseover="helpline('email');" onmouseout="helpline('default');" src="img/editor/email.png" alt="email" title="email" onclick="insert_text('[email]','[/email]') ;return false;" />
<input class="button" type="image" onmouseover="helpline('b');" onmouseout="helpline('default');" src="img/editor/bold.png" alt="bold" title="bold" onclick="insert_text('[b]','[/b]');return false;" />
<input class="button" type="image" onmouseover="helpline('i');" onmouseout="helpline('default');" src="img/editor/italic.png" alt="italic" title="italic" onclick="insert_text('[i]','[/i]');return false;" />
<input class="button" type="image" onmouseover="helpline('u');" onmouseout="helpline('default');" src="img/editor/underline.png" alt="underline" title="underline" onclick="insert_text('[u]','[/u]');return false;" />
<input class="button" type="image" onmouseover="helpline('s');" onmouseout="helpline('default');" src="img/editor/strikethrough.png" alt="strikethrough" title="strikethrough" onclick="insert_text('[s]','[/s]');return false;" />
<input class="button" type="image" onmouseover="helpline('h');" onmouseout="helpline('default');" src="img/editor/highlight.png" alt="highlight" title="highlight" onclick="insert_text('[h]','[/h]');return false;" />
<input class="button" type="image" onmouseover="helpline('url');" onmouseout="helpline('default');" src="img/editor/url.png" alt="url" title="url" onclick="insert_text('[url=Page URL]Page Name','[/url]');return false;" />
<input class="button" type="image" onmouseover="helpline('youtube');" onmouseout="helpline('default');" src="img/editor/youtube.png" alt="you tube" title="you tube" onclick="insert_text('[youtube]','[/youtube]');return false;" />
<input class="button" type="image" onmouseover="helpline('google');" onmouseout="helpline('default');" src="img/editor/gvideo.png" alt="google video" title="google video" onclick="insert_text('[googlevid]','[/googlevid]');return false;" />
<input type="image" src="img/editor/smilies.png" alt="smileys" title="smileys" class="button" onmouseover="helpline('smileys');" onmouseout="helpline('default');" onClick="return overlay(this, 'smiley', 'rightbottom');return false;" />
<a href="javascript:ShowMenu('bbcode_remote.php','window2',260,350,0,0);"><img style="border: 1px solid #000000; padding-bottom: 1px;" src="img/editor/color.png" alt="colors" title="colors" class="button" onmouseover="helpline('colors');" onmouseout="helpline('default');" /></a>

notice how they all use the<input....etc. except for the one I am using for the color popup. I had to use an image as you suggested, but I originally wanted to use the <input button instead because I have classes set to them already in the stylesheet. Anyway, it works using the image with both FF and IE. FF accepts the input button as I mentioned but not IE. Well, I hope I have not confused you. big_smile



(8 replies, posted in General discussion)

I bit the bullet and just added a style to the image. I'll just have to create a separate class in each theme stylesheet for that image border. This is the result I was trying to accomplish:



(8 replies, posted in General discussion)

If I use an image tag then I don't get the same effects as the input buttons. All my input buttons use a class="buttons" which all have a border around it. Now, I know I could use style="border: 1px etc... and so forth but I just wanted to use the input becuase if I hard code a style in there then my border will black for all themes. Hope you follow what I am trying to say. I thought maybe there was a way around it...?



(8 replies, posted in General discussion)

Can someone tell me why the code below works in FF but not in IE and if ther eis a solution for it.

<a href="javascript:ShowMenu('bbcode_remote.php','window2',260,350,0,0);"><input type="image" src="img/editor/color.png" alt="colors" title="colors" class="button" onmouseover="helpline('colors');" onmouseout="helpline('default');" /></a>

The problem I am having is this. The popup window works in FF but I get the following error when I click in the image using IE:

"Message is a required filed in this form"

Thanks in advance.

ohh...I did not know that. Thank you for the information. smile

Actually smartys it only works when I use the color one in the thread. Take a look and you'll see what I mean.

http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/vali … nline.com/

ok, thanks.

Thanks smartys. I am just curious why that is. It did work btw.

Thanks again

Hopefully someone can help me with this. If I use any bbcode colors on my forum index which I use for news my site does not get validated. It basically tells me for example:

Value Error : color Magenta is not a color value : Magenta

. I am using one of my forums for the news but if I post a thread in any forum that does not display news, then the site gets a normal validation. Can someone please, please help me on this one.


thanks pogenwurst. I used pun as the class on the main DIV and that sorted it out.


Hey! That's really neat mate. Thank you.

punBB met all my requirements. I just like modding stuff to see how far I can take it...that's all.

yemgi wrote:

you'd better use another forum software if you want all these mods, there is no point using PunBB if you want everything that has not been implemented as standard

I am lost as to your reason for that. Why were the mods created in the first place? Isn't it for punBB? How many mods do you think I should have added so that there would be a "point" in using punBB?

I just wanted to know if someone can help me to create an install of my site with all the mods etc. I would like to share with the community my complete website http://shedrockonline.com. The thing is, I know nothing about PHP or mySQL and I would like to create an install that would include all the plugins etc. If anyone can assist me with this, that would be awesome.

Here are a list of mods and plugins I've implemented into the site:

100% W3C CSS/XHTML Compliant.
# Sub Forums.
# Modded News Index with "Read More" option and DIGG and del.ici.ous links
# Icon Topics
# Tags
# Newsbox
# 4 Themes (Crest, Lune, Simple, Default-Wide - All themes use images for forums)
# Avatars
# BBColors w/ onclick function, BBCode PHP MOD, YouTube and Google Video codes
# Send to friend
# Editor images with js tooltip on mouseover
# Quick Quote
# Multi Quote function
# Rate Topic
# Karma Mod
# User Ranks
# Country Flags
# Forum Notes
# Printable Topics
# DIGG and del.ici.ous topic submission
#Gender MOD
# Show posts in reverse chronological order
# Most Users Online

# Adsense Options
# Affiliates
# Backup
# BB Spam Fighter
# BotDetect
# ChatBox (not in use)
# Clear Cache
# Custom Pages
# EasySmiles (Modded to include popup smiley's)
# Feed Aggregator
# Forum cleanup
# Image Awards
# Image Upload
# Languages and styles
# Links with category
# Polls
# Private messaging
# Reputation
# Topic Rating
# User Blogs
# User management
# Welcome Text
