Thanks for your diligence..... I thought that would be your suggestion, and made the change, and it WORKS!!!!

Thanks again.



I think I found the problem, but am not sure how to correct.

When I chose "mw_forum" from the database dropdown list, it displayed what appears to be a table listing for "mw-forum".

All of the tables in the list begin with "mw59"_xxxx, instead of "mw58".  After seeing this,  I vaguely recall typing mw59 during the setup, but thought that I had caught the error before submitted the setup.  I guess not.  Can all of those table names be corrected, or should I change the "prefix" config.php file to "mw58"?


When I use the link provided by my host, I get to the  phpMyAdmin dsplay panel.

In the left column, there is a window "Database".  The window has a dropdown list, containing the following:

"Information Schema (16)
mw_forum (17)"

The second ("mw_forum") matchs the table name I assigned during the original setup process.

Is using the underbar (_) in the table name causing any problems?

Am I getting close?


Thanks for the quick reply.

I have been working on this project over the past two days, but I can't recall any problems with the installation.

Here is what my config.php file looks like: (I have blocked out the user name and PW)


$db_type = 'mysql';
$db_host = '';
$db_name = 'mw_forum';
$db_username = '#######';
$db_password = '#######';
$db_prefix = 'mw58_';
$p_connect = false;

$cookie_name = 'punbb_cookie';
$cookie_domain = '';
$cookie_path = '/';
$cookie_secure = 0;
$cookie_seed = '7c3376b9';

define('PUN', 1);

Thanks again


Thanks for the tip....

I have enabled DEBUG, and tryed to rerun the process again.  This is the expanded version of the error msg:

"An error was encountered
File: /home/.dempsey/madwest1/
Line: 84

PunBB reported: Unable to fetch forum config

Database reported: Table 'mw_forum.mw58_config' doesn't exist (Errno: 1146)"

Now, can anyone give me some guidance on were to go next/

Many Thanks

Really lost!


I'm not sure what that process involves.....  Was your questions directed to my post, or to one of the others?



Greetings everyone.....

I have entered "uncharted waters" by trying to add a forum to my RW 3.5.1 (Build 264) website.   

Based on the recommendations on this subject in the RealMac forum, I chose PunBB.  It seemed to fit my needs, based on my limited experience in this area.

The RealMac tutorial in this forum (#7501) seemed to be rather straight forward to me.  I was pretty proud of myself, as every step outlined seem to go without a hitch.

BUT.... when I try to go to the "index.php" page, this message panel is displayed:

"An error was encountered
Error:  Unable to fetch the forum config"

This is where my technical skills end.

Does anyone have any suggestions what I should do next"

Thanks in advance for your help
