The forum displays the characters well smile

How do i make extern.php use it? I cant find any charset in the file.


Hi! Thanks for the answer, but i dont really understand hmm

How can i make extern.php display å ä ö properly in HTML output?

Thanks! smile

Haha , okay big_smile

I have my modx isntallation in the root. I copy the content of extern.php to snippet inside modx and save it as 'forum'.
What parameters should i change in the snippet? define('PUN', 1); define('PUN_ROOT', './forum/');?

Yes smile

Is there a way to get the latest posts without using the extern.php?
At modx they recommend to store extern.php as snippet and include
it to the page. But i guess i have to edit extern.php alot to make it work...

Hi all!

Does anyone know how to do this? … l#msg95051

I'm confused smile

Smartys wrote:
    // Check that someone from this IP didn't register a user within the last hour (DoS prevention)
    $result = $db->query('SELECT 1 FROM '.$db->prefix.'users WHERE registration_ip=\''.get_remote_address().'\' AND registered>'.(time() - 3600)) or error('Unable to fetch user info', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error());

    if ($db->num_rows($result))
        message('A new user was registered with the same IP address as you within the last hour. To prevent registration flooding, at least an hour has to pass between registrations from the same IP. Sorry for the inconvenience.');

Thank you Smartys!

Smartys wrote:

Go to register.php, comment out the query that checks if a user has registered in the past hour wink

Thanks for your reply Smartys! smile

I dont know how many rows i should comment out, can you help med?
Row 80: else if (isset($_POST['form_sent']))


Well, as the subject line goes, how do i allow unlimited users at the same IP adress? smile

Best regards,