Not sure if I'm asking this in the right place, or even if it's possible, but...

I've got a board with some quite old posts -- five years or more. It's a fairly active board, and the DB size is just huge. The powers that be do not want to throw away those old posts, but we'd like to reduce the load on the DB.

So... is there some way to archive them? Maybe move them to another table that's searched and handled separately from the regular board?


(8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

This remains a problem. I did find a mismatch between my "server time" setting and the actual server time, so I changed that to sync up and it helped some.

But it still just randomly marks all posts as old. Some times when you go to PMs and go back (PMs are the only mod), some times just when you click on a forum. No sense to it at all.

Edit... sorry, didn't mean to say marking them as read... it's marking them as old. Or, to be more precise, NOT marking them as new.


(8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

I don't think it's a time thing, necessarily. I'm 99% sure it's somehow related to the domain/hostname.

Here's what I know... the site in question has several domains all pointing to the same site. They would prefer to have everything go to In the punbb admin, that's the domain that's set. Somewhere in the dark mists of time, the server hostname was set to

I set up an .htaccess file to route all traffic to the preferred domain. Anyone who comes to, or any www subdomain, gets routed to With the htaccess rewrite rule turned off, if you go to the domain all kinds of things (mostly admin, editing, and login status) go funky.  But, if I turn it off, show new posts works.

When I turn the rewrite rule on, everything is stable except "show new posts". I'm thinking it's that mismatch between the hostname and domain name, although it could be my htaccess file. Unfortuntately, I don't currently have access to the htaccess to paste it in here.


(8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

What if there was a mismatch between server hostname and the domain?


(8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Any suggestions on what to look at server-wise?

Only mods are PMs and RSS (unless that's not a mod.. can't remember).

OK, I understand that the markers for new posts are designed to simply show which posts are new, not whether they're read or not (and as a side note, that's become a BIG problem for me), but even under that understanding, they're completely unpredictable. They simply turn off at what appear to be random intervals and suddenly a whole bunch of posts that ARE new to me are no longer marked.

Board in question is at

I've cranked Visit timeout to 1800 seconds in an effort to bring this under control, but it's no help.

Any suggestions?

God, I need 1.3