Topic: uhh

yea i feel like a retard even asking this but how in the hell do i actaully get a punbb forum going cause i can't seem to find like a register button or anything like that......

Re: uhh

1) Buy a domain and hosting somewhere, you can usually find a good deal on www.webhostingtalk.com.
2) Download punbb from http://punbb.org/downloads.php
3) Copy/upload all contents of the directory upload/ into the directory where you want to run your forums.
4) Run install.php from the forum root directory (e.g. open http://mydomain/myforums/install.php in your browser). Follow the instructions.

If you run into any problems installing punbb have a look at http://docs.punbb.org, if that doesn't help try http://punbb.org/forums/search.php, if that fails too, post it and im sure someone will be more than willing to help.