Topic: Images breaking layout...

Ive got a strange little problem... hope someone can shed some light on it for me and maybe know how to fix it for the IE users.

So, ive cut out the min-max-javascript (since the pictures look awful in IE) and taken out the 100% setting for Firefox but that only leaves me with another problem. The forum is set to a fixed width (1000px) but i want images thats bigger than that to just make the forum wider but all it does is dissapear under the edge[1] (because of the overflow: hidden setting). When i change this to visible it totally breaks the layout in IE [2] but it works fine in Firefox so i guess its another ie-css-compatiliblity problem but is there a way of fixing this so it works for IE too?

The strangest thing is that a in IE that a really large image will both break the layout and dissapear behind the edge [3] even when the setting is visible (still works as it should in Firefox though)...

Ive heard that an image says more that thousand words so here you go smile

[Image 1]: IE overflow: hidden                                                                                                         

[Image 2]: IE overflow: visible

[Image 3]: IE overflow: visible, still chopping the edge
http://www.riskaka.com/pics/punbb_error … _image.png


Re: Images breaking layout...

Sorry to take so long to reply. I have been trying various things but to no avail. The reality is if you have an image centric forum (which I recollect you have) then you really need to apply a different style to viewtopic. What you need is a layout which has the user details at the top and post content underneath rather than side by side. This of course instantly gives you about 200px more width to play with which should reduce the number of problem pictures. Further, it removes the floats from viewtopic which are the source of most of the complicatation. Viewtopic is then essentially reduced to simple boxes cascading down the page which could more easily be styled to expand. It would still be extremely difficult to get the whole forum to expand, the best I think you are going to get is for individual posts to expand.

P.S. How do you feel about scrolling rather than expanding i.e. if a post has a large image in it then the content of that post will have a horizontal scroll.

Re: Images breaking layout...

What you *could* do, is cache the images locally, and resize them using PHP. It's quite easy to do, and would kinda solve the problem, but it does have some drawbacks.