Topic: Help! The cache directory is currently not writable!

Im new to this so any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance. These are the errors I get once I upload everything and go to the setup page.

The cache directory is currently not writable! In order for PunBB to function properly, the directory named cache must be writable by PHP. Use chmod to set the appropriate directory permissions. If in doubt, chmod to 0777.

The avatar directory is currently not writable! If you want users to be able to upload their own avatar images you must see to it that the directory named img/avatars is writable by PHP. You can later choose to save avatar images in a different directory (see Admin/Options). Use chmod to set the appropriate directory permissions. If in doubt, chmod to 0777.

How do make the cache writable? what is chmod and how do I use it?

Thanks again


Re: Help! The cache directory is currently not writable!

you can do it from shell by typing in:

chmod 777 <path to your forums>/cache img

or you can chose the chmod command from your FTP program and do it there...

3 (edited by TFD 2006-02-24 17:04)

Re: Help! The cache directory is currently not writable!

Im not sure what you mean by shell? Where is that? Is it something in the open like the browser? Sounds like someone could just go in there and change it anytime and jack up my forum?

I use frontpage and I dont see anywhere to use chmod. I know you guys probably use FTP programs like ws_ftp but I dont so is there anyway that you might know of to do this in frontpage?

Thanks again.


Re: Help! The cache directory is currently not writable!

Shell is a command line... it has nothing to do with your browser... Most hosts don't allow shell access....But if yours does then you need a helper program like "putty" (it's free) and then log in and use the command line to CHMOD your directories...

If you can't do that then you are left with FTP... I would suggest using SmartFTP, it's free and really easy to use.

If you chose to not use FTP, well, I can't help you... Frontpage is garbage...  I couldn't tell you if it's possible with it....